65: Assassin Training Arc; Mid Test

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(There's two Easter eggs in here! 🥚)

The mid test is rumoured by most assassins to be one of the hardest trainings ever. It was conducted by Jerome, the vice assassin leader, so Sigils thought Jerome would be kind on the test. Right?

However, whispers from fellow assassins, Ambrew and GarryBlox, painted a different picture, and that's not the case. Jerome wasn't very friendly to everyone.

"Apparently the obstacle course is really hard, like no joke." Ambrew warned.

"Yeah. The poison one is pretty difficult. But honestly, all of them are when you combine speed, dodging, and poison immunity together. I can't imagine the end test later, it's gonna be torture." GarryBlox added.

And hell yes it was. Sigils saw Biffle, Nico and Zud attempting the course, and boy, they were knocked in less than a second. Except for Biffle, though, who was apparently dodging every obstacle.

I guess Biffle Luck is such a miracle... I swear people luck is a real thing. Sigils thought.

The rules were simple. It was basically a teamwork training, form either a pair or three, each and having to hold hands with each other during the test.

Unfortunately, Sigils didn't really had a pair since most of them took the mid test already, but he was in luck— Mitzefy haven't took the test yet.

"So, you've got a plan?" Sigils asked.

"Pretty much. You're in luck, I know how to navigate the obstacles and to improve our speed. Unfortunately, the poison might be an issue." Mitzefy stated.

"I guess both of us are in luck. I know how to deal with poison. I think they'll add antidotes around the obstacle course that will remove the poison." Sigils replied.

"I guess we make a good team, huh? You think we can navigate this first try?" Mitzefy asked.

"You bet!" Sigils agreed.

"On your marks..." Jerome stated.

Sigils and Mitzefy got ready at the starting position, and nodded at each other.

"Get set..." Jerome continued.

Just then, as he was rocking the chair he was sitting on, he accidentally stabs his eye right in the eye of the megaphone, and yelps:


Sigils and Mitzefy set off running, immediately dodging all obstacles in a matter of speed. Though SSundee would have said "Your speed doesn't meet my expectations", they didn't care and went their own pace— though they knew they had to be fast too.

Jerome, who had somehow regained control over again even after being stabbed in the eye, started sabotaging obstacles using a controller. Rocks, fruits, water, starting dropping down the room, and surprisingly, Both Sigils and Mitzefy dodged it, making Jerome impressed.

Impressive. Jerome thought. Time to spice things up.

"Loaf! Phase two!" Jerome yelled, and it made the two confused. They saw Loaf to their right, and sees him sitting on a chair connected with a huge machine gun.

"What the—?!"

Loaf started firing, and it turned out to be purple liquid, and Sigils knew what phase two meant. He was dropping poison. "Mitz! Phase two's poison!" Sigils stated.

"I got it! I'm assuming phase three is more obstacles!" Mitzefy yelled back.

Mitzefy then got poisoned, but Sigils noticed two antidotes laying on the ground, and picked it up and gave Mitzefy one, and kept the other one in his pocket just in case either one of them got poisoned again.

But indeed Mitzefy was right. Jerome yelled, "Henwy! Phase three!" And Henwy appeared, pulled a lever, and more obstacles dropped. Banana peels for them to slip and fall, ninja stars, more water, you name it.

Jerome was getting really impressed by the duo dodging everything. He decided to do the final stretch. "Ian! Last phase!"

"One more phase?!" Sigils groaned. He was falling behind, but Mitzefy was dragging him to continue until they finish.

They then see SSundee, pulling a lever, and they look behind to see the ground collapsing. "Since when can the ground collapse?!" Mitzefy shrieked.

"Huge budget! We've got no time, we have to be quick!" Sigils quipped.

Surprisingly, they made it to the finish, not in record time, but they did it.

"We did it! Give me a five, Mitz!" Sigils cheered, showing a hand, and Mitzefy returns it. "Hell yeah!"

"I've gotta say I'm impressed. You can't beat the record time, though." Jerome replied.

"How long did we do it? And who are the holders of the record time?" Mitzefy asked.

"Well, an hour and ten. Henwy and Loaf hold the record, they finished in thirty five minutes." Jerome replied.

"That's like half the time of ours!" Sigils groaned. "They're the youngest, but they're really talented."

"Alright, alright, you passed the test. But it's already night, so we're gonna knock off." Jerome replied.

"It's night already? Jeez, time flies so fast!" Mitzefy added.

Sigils was glad day one of training was over. On to the next training! Well, after they rest up though.

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