89: Final Battle Arc; Bonds of Friendship and Conflict

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As Alxton meticulously sketched out the floor plan of the imposing Demon Castle, his mind wandered to memories of his swordsmith friends who were no longer with him. Their absence weighed heavily on his heart, and he couldn't help but envision them standing beside him, their spirits lingering in the very halls he was mapping.

Madelyn, ever perceptive of his emotions, offered her support. "Don't cry," she urged gently, "but don't stop your hands either. We will not lose."

Taking a deep breath, Alxton nodded, his determination reignited. "Understood," he replied, wiping away a stray tear as he resumed his task.

Outside the chamber, Jelly and PatP, former assassins turned angels, stood watch, their conversation drifting between admiration and contemplation.

"Colton's skill is remarkable," PatP remarked, marveling at their comrade's unwavering dedication.

"And he's still driven by his mission," Jelly added, a note of respect in his voice. "The resolve of the adults is truly inspiring."

"Like Crainer and Josh," Jelly continued, his thoughts drifting to their fallen comrades. "I wish I could serve with such honor, to protect others without bringing shame upon our corps."

Within the castle, a fierce battle unfolds as Sigils clashes with Caim. Sigils narrowly evades Caim's initial strike, positioning himself behind the adversary. Sigils seizes the opportunity, slicing off Caim's arm, only to witness it regenerate swiftly. Evading a counterattack, Sigils manages to cut across Caim's face, revealing his impressive abilities. Karan, observing from the sidelines, marvels at Sigils's prowess, likening it to that of a high-ranked assassin.

Caim, seemingly unfazed, taunts Sigils, stating, "This boy is weak. Don't disrespect him. That's what Pat said before he died, right?" Sigils, shocked, accuses Caim of Pat's murder.

"Wow, quite the reaction for someone we just met," Caim quips, brushing off the gravity of the accusation.

"I don't care! You killed my associate!" Sigils declares passionately.

Karan adds, "And our serial killers, Keeley and Brianna!"

Caim, unapologetic, shows no remorse, responding, "No regrets for that, though."

Curious, Caim innocently inquires, "What happened, though?"

"Don't act like you don't know anything!" Karan retorts.

"One thing I realized is that you certainly aren't weak. You have my respect," Caim acknowledges.

With a chilling declaration, Caim proposes, "So let us begin... our little celebration."

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