88: Final Battle Arc; Courage and Redemption

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In the realm of assassins and secrets, Henwy and Loaf, presented each member of their covert group with a mysterious gift: a special spike bomb. No questions were asked, and each assassin accepted the gift with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. However, Nico couldn't resist his curiosity.

"What does this do?" he inquired, his eyes fixated on the peculiar bomb.

"It's a bomb that summons an element," Loaf explained patiently, his voice tinged with a hint of intrigue. "Lightning when you're angry, water when you are sad, fire when you're happy, and earth when your emotions spiral out of control."

Nico's eyebrows raised in fascination. "That's pretty cool!"

"But remember," Henwy interjected, his tone grave, "you only get four uses, one element each. Use them wisely."

Nico nodded, absorbing the weight of their words. "How will they know if I've used one of the elements already?" he asked, puzzled.

"By your emotions," Henwy clarified, his expression inscrutable. "Once you've used an element, the corresponding emotion diminishes. It's a subtle yet powerful connection."

"Use it wisely," Loaf added, his eyes glinting with a hidden knowledge.

Back at the Castle, tension hung thick in the air as Nico and Raijin faced off, their fates hanging in the balance. Raijin's rage simmered beneath the surface, threatening to consume him entirely.

"I can't stand it!" Raijin roared, his voice echoing off the stone walls. "I cannot accept it! I'm going to lose to my boss' son?! I feel like I'm going to go insane!"

But then he realised. Nico was also going to fall to his death, and thought he didn't have any strength left, and assumed he was dying with him. But fate intervened, as Slogo came to Nico's rescue, jumping from pillar to pillar while coldly reminding Raijin:

"Someone who never gives to others will someday become unable to receive any things from them. Only wanting is, in the same as having nothing... because one is unable to create anything." Slogo stated to Raijin, much to his shock.

"Such a pity to die alone." Slogo sneered.

Hearing this, Raijin only screams in frustration as Nico is saved and he meets a lonely pathetic death.

Awakening in a surreal landscape of crimson roses, Nico found himself confronted by visions of his past and the specter of his own doubts. Across a chasm, his parents stood, their words of encouragement washing over him like a soothing balm.

"You've done enough," they whispered, their voices echoing in the stillness. "I'm proud of you.

Back in reality, Nico is being patched up by Slogo while being guarded by Crainer.

"How is he?" Crainer asked impatiently. "Do you think we can save him?"

Slogo, pissed, snapped, "Silence, Crainer. Make yourself useful and keep an eye out."

As Crainer complained, Slogo contemplated while patching up Nico's injured eye, and when Nico gained back to consciousness, Slogo tells him, "The demon you fought still hasn't mastered his techniques and abilities. Which is lucky, because if you had fought him a year from now, he probably would have killed you already."

"Stop saying negative things!" Crainer chided, attracting demons to their location, to Slogo's chagrin.

"Geez, you're so noisy that they've found us. You're a good target." Slogo teased.

Meanwhile, Sigils and Karan are continuing to run through the castle, Sigils wondered, We're not encountering any demons... is Asmodeus very far away? Is everyone else okay?

Suddenly a powerful tremor strikes, shaking the area and worrying the two unaware assassin and serial killer. As Sigils wonders if it is a fight, or someone's death, the tremor gets closer and stronger.

"What is this shaking?" Karan's voice trembled with uncertainty.

Karan tells Sigils, "Get back, Sigils! Above you!" as the source of the tremor punches through the ceiling, revealed to be Caim, the destruction demon.

Is this battle gonna end in a bad way?

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