109: Final Battle Arc; The Promise of Dawn

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As Loaf engaged Asmodeus in a fierce exchange of blows, the demon king's relentless attacks pushed the assassin to his limits. Henwy and Tubbo fought valiantly by his side, each strike fueled by the determination to overcome the demonic threat.

"Loaf, watch out!" Henwy shouted, narrowly deflecting a whip attack aimed at Loaf's flank.

With a quick nod of appreciation, Loaf continued to focus on his strategy. The battlefield echoed with the clash of weapons, but Loaf's thoughts remained clear. He remembered the words of his father, urging him to survive at any cost, and those memories fueled his will to persevere.

"We can do this, guys!" Henwy shouted, his voice filled with determination as he parried another blow from Asmodeus' whip.

Tubbo nodded, his gaze never wavering from their opponent. "Together, we're unstoppable!"

With a renewed sense of purpose, the fighters pressed forward, their blades flashing in the dim light of dawn. Asmodeus, realizing that he was losing ground, lashed out with one final, desperate strike.

But Loaf was ready.

With a swift motion, he deflected Asmodeus' attack, turning the demon's momentum against him. And as his blade met its mark, slicing through the air with a resounding clang, Loaf knew that victory was within their grasp.

The demon king roared in pain as Loaf's blade found its mark, but Asmodeus retaliated with a devastating counterattack. The battlefield became a chaotic dance of blades, each combatant pushing themselves to their limits.

Amidst the chaos, Zud reentered the fray, his wounds hastily treated by Slogo. His presence injected renewed vigor into the group, and together, they formed a formidable front against Asmodeus.

"I won't let you harm my friends any longer!" Zud declared, his blade flashing with determination.

Asmodeus, now facing multiple adversaries, unleashed a flurry of attacks in a desperate attempt to regain control. The alliance, fueled by newfound camaraderie, held strong.

"We can't let him regenerate!" Tubbo yelled, his sword clashing against Asmodeus' whip. "Keep the pressure on!"

Loaf, realizing the importance of sustained aggression, coordinated with Tubbo and Henwy to maintain a relentless assault. Their synchronized efforts began to wear down the demon king, exploiting every opportunity to strike.

In the midst of battle, Koda, Henwy's cat, weaved through the chaos, carrying a pouch of vials. With a swift and well-timed leap, the cat released the antidotes, showering the fighters below.

Henwy caught one of the vials and grinned. "Slogo's antidote! Everyone, inject yourselves!"

What a smart cat. Henwy thought.

As the antidote coursed through their veins, the fighters felt the effects almost immediately. Pain subsided, strength returned, and a newfound clarity surged through their minds.

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