SAMS reversed au 2

43 2 23

"I don't know! How am I supposed to know?!" Sun screamed at Monty then pointed at the missing figure of who was supposed to be, ECLIPSE. The animatronic was gone, it seems as if they had managed to break themselves free from the straps.

"Try to find him d*mn you!"

"Sure.. bud!" Monty raised her arms up in surrender, a nervous grin on her face as she slowly waddled her way to stand beside the empty bed . Kneeling down and inspecting for any clues of where they had ran off to while Sun stood in a stiff pose beside Monty while glaring daggers at the empty bed.

Moon stared as he hugged Y/N with his hands around their shoulders, worried and confused. A day has passed by since he showed Sun about the mirror thing. Since yesterday Sun couldn't sleep and he was all so fidgety. He wouldn't even shut his eyes for a moment.

And it has been an hour since they had woken up to an empty bed and the AI crying out that they had somehow escaped from the daycare without making any noise.

"I really did messed up bad.." Moon mumbled to himself, sad and disappointed with himself. Y/N heard this and tried to comfort the sad bot, cracking their neck so that they could meet the nightcare gaze.

"Hey...dont say that.." Y/N said in a soft voice. "After wouldn't had said that just to make Sun panick like that..I know it."

Moon opened his mouth to protest, but then hesitate. Y/N was saying the truth, no matter how much he wanted to deny it. He sigh and let his arms to fall beside him, giving Y/N a hurt yet small smile.

"...Fine, I guess your right."

Y/N knew the look. Moon didn't believe in what they said. But Y/N choose to be silent for once and turned to look at the two animatronics who were discussing among each other.

"The AI said that it-"

"I prefer to be identify as a 'HE' "

"-The AI said that HE didn't even realized that the animatronic managed to wiggle themselves free and pack a punch at the arcade machine, which is the AIs heart." Sun continued and jabbed his finger at the half squashed arcade machine which was flying out sparks from the screen.

"And it proceeded to run out from the daycare. But the AI wasn't sure which way did it used."

"What do you mean, ' Which way '?" Monty asked as he stood back up and cracked her back, looking at Sun with an raised eyebrow as she adjusted her star like sunglasses.

"Well...there are some emergency exits even for a daycare." Moon spoke out in thought as he rolled his eyes above to stare at the ceiling. "If I can recall properly, we have 3 exits. 1 the main daycare door, another in my room-" Moon pointed at the tunnel which leads to his room-" And lastly one at the store room. Don't ask me why did they decided to put an emergency exit at the store room thought."

"Dumba*s." Y/N snickered to themselves and Moon chuckled at this, while Sun rolled his eyes and turned to face Monty with an annoyed look on his face.

"So. Any clue at where did they run off at?"

"Well... ya see Sunny boi." Monty sighed and threw a hand across Suns shoulder which Sun immediately stiffen. She dragged him as she circled the cramped room, explaining to him. "First. I can't really tell it by staring at your almost half broken bed bud. Second, by my incredible sharp eyes, it seems as if they were violent and aggressive on breaking out from the straps. Third, there's a high chance they might had escaped using the door in Moons room because - it just makes sense."

"..." Sun stayed quiet as he thought of what Monty said as she turned to face him with her signature grin on her face.

"I mean, what Monty said DID made sense though." Moon thought out loud. "But if he did use the emergency door in my room, and you did said that whatever they are - are incredibly violent and aggressive - then we would had seen some any trace of them scurrying along that long hallway of the emergency exit in my room."

SAMS Reversed AU. Season 2.Where stories live. Discover now