SAMS reversed au 6

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Human SAMS reversed au art.

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The BloodTwins stare fearfully at a towering animatronic who had a crazed smile plastered over they're face, they're eyes seemingly boring holes into they're skull with bad intentions.

The Twins didn't know who this person was, or what he wanted from them. But all they knew is that, they were trouble. He didn't want to waste his time with this absolutely suspicious animatronic, but for some reason, he couldn't move or ask them to leave.

He could only just stare at the taller one in fright. The animatronic finally stopped staring at them from his height and sighed loudly, letting the smile fall of from they're face so as the purple glitching disappearing in a second like it wasn't there before with a loud screech. The raspy twin who was currently in control couldn't help but stare at they're face. He seems awfully familiar..

"Greetings my dear friend!" The animatronic who was previously looking really threatening is now beaming at him with a normal smile, sounding friendly. "I see that you're currently in a predicament..." He trailed off as he noticed the binding which were around the infected animatronic, strapping him onto the wall with no way of escape.

The animatronic just let out a grunt in response and shook his head which the taller one let out a chuckle, seemingly amused. "Haha.. well, it seems as if you need a hand?" The animatronic jabbed at the ropes which were tied around the twins with a cocky smile on his face. "Do you want some help?"

"~Who are you?~" The raspy twin finally found the words which was stuck on his throat just a few moments ago. The animatronic chuckled again as he went to cross his hands behind him.

SAMS Reversed AU. Season 2.Where stories live. Discover now