Chapter One

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"Are you going to give me the information I have asked for?"

"Please I don't know anything else, I'm just a low-level rookie, I don't give the orders" the guard I had strung up on meat hooks screams

"Well if that's the case you are of no use to me, are you?"


In one swift move I slit his throat he immediately begins to gargle and spit blood. I turn towards the door and take my phone out to call clean-up crew. After hanging up the phone I open the door to
leave the warehouse.

A voice in my head told me to wait so I briefly pause. The next few seconds were
a blur.

It's been 3 years since I last heard his name. 3 years since I escaped the brutal hold, he had on me, mentally and physically.

The guard continues to gargle and spit trying to hold on to any life he had left
In him. With his final breath he spits out...



Huddled in a corner of a cold dark room, I could hear as the footsteps grow closer and closer. My eyes widen in horror as I feel my heart drum against my ribcage knowing what was to come.

"Leave me alone! Please just let me be" I scream.


"Hello, my princess. Are you ready to play with me" the cold voice sings.


I shake my head to bring me back to reality. The scars across my back were enough of a reminder. I leave the warehouse and set off for home.

After about an hour's drive, I drive off the beaten path towards my house. I live with my mother Elizabeth who is the pillar of the community. She will use any excuse to hold a charity event or big

My father David is the head of our sophisticated organization. He is an international arms dealer of such. We sell guns, submarines and even deadly soldiers all over the world to the government and to other organizations we are allied with.

There's me Callie. I'm twenty four and have just been named as my father's second in command. I left home at the age of righting thinking I was madly in love. As it turns out, it wasn't love, it was my prison for three years. I moved back home three years ago and have since trained in combat, firearms and even have managed to get my helicopter pilot license. I am proud of who I am today.

And lastly my younger sister Naomi. She is 20, Naomi is the brains of the operation, if you need to find someone, she's the one people go to, she plans our jobs and makes sure everything is in line, so no one gets killed. Well on our side at least. Naomi is also trained in combat and very handy with her dagger knifes.

We live in an old Victorian farmhouse, surrounded by mountains and beautiful fields filled with wildflowers. I say farmhouse very lightly as my father being my father decided to upgrade and expand, it was now a rather large Victorian mansion. 'Since when did a family of three need 10 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms' I thought to myself as I enter through the front doors.

As I walk through the foyer area of the house Naomi walks out of the kitchen and stops in front of the stairs with a bowl of coco pops in hand and her jet-black cat Vader following her like a puppy.

"Dad is so pissed at you after he found out what you were away doing on your own. He has been storming about the house all day shouting and banging, telling everyone who would listen that you must go to his office as soon as your home. It was hilarious!" she laughs whilst slowly walking up the stairs.

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