Chapter Six

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From the moment I woke up I knew this day was going to be a disaster. Five am. It was five am when Naomi woke the full house up. “We have got a hit! We have finally got a hit” she yelled as we all ran
down to the meeting room to find out what was going on.

As we entered the room Naomi had put the CCTV photo of the woman from the warehouse and next to it was another photo from the government's worldwide database. Just as my father was about to tell Naomi to continue, she beat him to it.

So her names Heather Fitzpatrick, 27. She is originally from Northern Irelands, she was born and raised there. She lived there until two and a half years ago when
she moved to Spain after escaping prison transportation, she was sentenced to life for brutally killing her father. His name was Noel Fitzpatrick, he was 58 when he was killed.”

Before Naomi could continue Mal
spoke up “He dealt in armored cars, I was present when my father made a few deals with him. Let me make a call.”

As we waited for Mal to comeback Naomi tells us more about Heather. It turns out when she moved to Spain, she moved close to where a mutual friend of ours moved, six months after heather did. “isn’t
Spain where Olivia moved to?” Steph turns to  me and asks.

Everyone else turned to me aswell but before I could say anything, Luca did “she moved to Spain two years ago with her mother and father after I broke up with her” he sighs as he stands up shaking his head.

Her father was a petty criminal, scammed people mostly whilst using his car lot business as a front. He pissed off a lot of people here but left before any debt was
paid. Spain is not our territory” Luca grumbles as he looks out of the window.

After weeks of trying to get any sort of leads on what was going on we finally found a connection. “Ok let’s lay out what we know so far from the beginning” my father asks us as he looks around the room.

I stood up to speak first “so we were originally infiltrating the decoy warehouse I went to myself trying to find out who had been stealing our assets. I got nothing useful.”

I sat back down, and Malik then stood to speak “After our initial meeting we realized that the money we received from you, David from our most recent deal was mixed with counterfeit cash” My father sighs just as Mal stops talking.


We all turn to Luca whose phone was ringing. After taking his phone out of his pocket he walked towards the door. He turns to us before he leaves, “I have to take this.”

Once Luca leaves the room, we go back to our lay out. Ryan stood up “After doing some digging with Naomi” he pauses, turns to look a Naomi and gives her a cheeky grin, he then continues “we discovered that the money was packaged by Luca and given to the transport chief Simon. He went missing for an hour, which cannot be accounted for from picking up the cash and transporting it to us.”

Ryan sits back down and gestures to Naomi to stand. “I started a trace on Simon so we could find him and bring him in. I pinpointed his location to an abandoned parking lot. When we got to the parking lot and infiltrated it, we found Simon dead on the second level in the back of a car, we were then back to square one”.

Naomi sits down before quickly adding “oh and there was the symbol we found", she quickly puts it up onto the screen.

Just as Naomi finishes talking, Luca walks back in the room looking very angry. He walks over to us and flings himself down on the chair.

Whilst rubbing his head he looked up at us “continue the layout I’ll add what I’ve got to say at the end.”

My father nods and I stand up to speak again “Naomi’s tablet had given off an alert that one of our warehouses had been breached. When we arrived, we found four of our guards in one room dead and the guard leader dead in the office. There was a phone in the stomach of the guard leader which rang and when we accepted the call a man's voice said that ‘he was coming, that he was coming for us all’.” I pause,“that is also what the man at the job I did on my own said before I slit his throat” I cleared my throat and lent back in my chair.

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