Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Maliki we have to do this right, we don't even know where they are right now" my father yells at me trying to get me to think straight. Ryan, David, Cole, my father Alistar and three of our teams in Belfast were standing in Ryan's kitchen waiting for there orders.

We had arrived here around four hours ago it was now six pm and we had only managed to narrow it down to Belfast and it is a big place. Cole and David searched Sam's room and belongings but only found an old phone, other than that we had nothing.

Cole had found an old charger under sam's bed so plugged the phone into it hoping it would turn on and there would be something there, but nothing. The phone was empty. The consistent dead ends were only making my frustrations grow. Callie is litterally somewhere in my home town and I don't know where.

The clock had now struck seven pm, the room fell into complete silence when a noise rang from Sam's old phone. We turn to Cole who has it in his hand "it's a picture" he whispers. Cole makes his way to me and hands me the phone, his eyes narrowed and his face full of anger.

Looking down at the phone I see Cole has already opened the photo. It shows Steph, Leigh and Callie sitting on three chairs which were all seated in a row across what looked like a platform. Bright twinkling lights hung from the roof making Callie's eyes glow a bright blue.

Callie, Steph and Leigh's hands were each tied to the arms of there individual chairs and they were all looking straight at the camera. Steph eyes showed worry and Leigh's showed complete panic. My eyes were drawn back to Callie's who's eyes were glowing but no emotions showed.

Blood trailed down her face and she stared at the camera with no remorse for the person taking the picture. I shivered at the glint in her eyes wondering what she was thinking at that moment in time. "What is it" I hear David questions from the side of me bringing me back into the reality of now. I pass him the phone watching as his eyes go dark at what he is looking at on the screen. The phone gets passed around before it lands back in Coles hand.

The phone rings again 'sent an attachment' the message read. Cole clicks it and it's a link, the link takes us to a video 'live' it reads on the bottom of the screen. Cole takes the SIM card out "what are you doing" Ryan yells at him "I've plugging it into the laptop, we can trace the stream since it's live" Cole tells us as he clicks the button to put the screen up on the wall infront of us and then presses the button to trace the video.

We watch as the dark picture Infront of us turns bright as the lights go on and Callie, Leigh and Steph are on the camera as they were in the photo "she's alive" David whispers the shock clear in his voice.

We watch as the girls struggle there arms against the ties that bound them, we hear there muffled cries. Suddenly dark music starts to play, I watch as Callie, Leigh and Steph's eyes go wide as they look ahead of them.

The camera pans to the side where a large crowd sits on chairs dressed up as if they are at a Broadway show. The camera moves back to the stage as Sam appears on the screen. The crowd erupts into cheers and whooping as he smiles and stands behind Callie, Leigh and Steph.

I watch as Callie's face turns to Sam and the look of pure hatred washes accross her face. I smile at her reaction but it soon vanishes as Sam begins to speak "welcome everyone. As you know this will be our final show" we hear as the crowd boo's at Sam's words. "Where are we on that trace Cole" I question never taking my eyes off the screen. "Five minutes" he quickly spits out looking from the trace back to the screen his eyebrows furrow into a deep scowl when Sam walks along the back of the girls as he says each of there names stoping behind Leigh.

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