Chapter Thirty-Two

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My eyes feel heavy as they try to open, the drumming noise in the back of my head was aching. Slowly my eyes flutter open "boss, she's awake" I hear a muffled voice gasp. My vision is blurred as I see a figure walk towards me "fuck, we've not landed yet" I hear a familiar voice groan.

As his hand touches my face my guy twists and I wake into reality "don't fucking touch me" I spat at the man in front of me I once thought of as an ally's, maybe even friends. "Now,now Callie. No need to be so hostile" he smirks back at me, one if his eyes half closed, swollen and purple. He clears his throat noticing me staring at his eye before taking the seat accross from me.

Looking around I see we are in a plane, turning to my side I pull the blind that is covering the window, it springs back up and I are we are nearing an airport. "Where are we" I question trying to look for any landmarks to indicate where we are. I turn to Sam who has a wide grin accross his face "were going back to where it first began".

One of the air hostesses approach Sam "sir we are landing in 10 minutes" she tells him as she flutters her eye lashes at him. I scoff under my breath before turning to look back out of the window. "Don't worry Callie your friends are here too".

Turning to Sam my eyebrows furrow "what do you mean, what friends" I question trying to hide the worry behind my words. He nods at one of the other men at the back of the plane, the man goes behind the curtain and a few minutes later I hear muffled yelling. I stand up "sit down" Sam growls at me through clenched teeth.

The man pushes Steph into a near by seat, her eyes go wide and she goes completely silent when she sees me, my attention quickly goes back to the curtains as I hear more muffled yelling. Turning to Sam who is grinning even wide, as if he had just won the Nobel prize or something, the man comes out from behind the curtain and pushes Leigh into the seat next to Steph.

Leigh and Steph are both staring at me in disbelief "what have you done" I whisper to Sam looking between Steph and leigh who were both gagged by rags and cable tied by their hands. Sam looks at Steph and leigh before turning to me "were still missing one. But don't worry she will be with us soon".

The pilot announces we are landing, Sam quickly tells one of the men to buckle Steph and leigh in, 'precious cargo' he called them, before he then stands up and leans over me. Sam looks me in the eyes with no emotion before grabbing the seatbelt and pulling it over me.

He pauses, his breathing starts to quicken as his hand brushes over my thigh, I wriggle trying to get away. I look down at my hands that were bound infront of me by cable ties, Sam's head comes closer to me "I'm going to scoop your eyes out with a spoon and feed them to you" I grit through my teeth before I grab onto his earlobe with my teeth, biting down.

Sam screams in pain but I continue to hold onto his ear, the grip between my teeth tighting until Sam rips away from me forcefully leaving a bit of his ear in my mouth. I turn to him and with a sinister grin spit his ear towards a screaming Sam who has blood streaming from his ear. His eyes go dark as he makes his way over to me, a chuckle leaves my mouth as he comes closer.

Laughing must have angered him even more, I feel my face throb as he punches me, i just laugh at his actions, laughing harder as he picks up the part of his ear I bit odd before he sits back down on his chair. The air hostess quickly rushes over with a glass of ice and a towel to put over his ear. She draws me a disgusted look to which I return my amused one, grinning as she walked away to take her seat. I turn back to Sam "worse is coming to you Callie, so you enjoy that little stunt you just pulled".

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