Chapter Thirty-One

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The last thing I remember is coming face to face with Callan and Luca before Sam is cradling me in his arms "Someone get help NOW!" I hear him yell before I fall into darkness.

My eyes flutter open and I sigh as I realise it was just another dream. I sit up in bed and look around the room, confusion sweeps over me as the surroundings are unfamiliar to me. Sitting up I groan as a pain shoots bellow my ribcage making me give up and lay back down on the bed.

"Callie, finally. Your awake" I hear a mans voice whisper as the door clicks open. I turn to face him, he seemed familiar but I couldn't put my mind on it "who are you, what happened?" I spit out quickly taking a deep breath as the sudden movement of me turning to face him realises another jolt of pain down my ribs.

He smiles at me before putting a glass of water on the table at the side of me "my names Maliki" he tells me confusion over his face. "Maliki" I repeate, my eyebrows furrow in confusion as his eyes never leave mine. Something felt off but I just couldn't put it together. So I played along.

The next day a small older woman comes into my room "I'm glad to see your awake dear, my names Hillary. My grandson brought you to my home. Your healing well" she smiles. "Maliki, is your grandson?" I question as she turns to leave my room again. She looks back at me confusion over her face "you mean Gavin dear, he's been looking after you" she smiles before leaving the room. 'Who is Gavin? Why did he pretend to be someone named Maliki?' I think to myself.

A short while later Hilary comes back with some food and a jug of fresh water "where is Gavin" I question as I take a sip of water from the glass Hillary just poured me. "Off on business, he will be back in a few days" she hums before leaving again.

After a few days of Hillary visiting and changing my bandage on my wound. My memories of what happened and who I was were still gone. There was a gaping hole in my mind screaming at me to remember but nothing was coming to mind, all I could do was bide my time and hope everything falls into place.

Finally as the sun went down for the fifth time telling me I had been here for a week Gavin comes back "hey, it's time to go home" he smiles at me before helping me out if the bed. My wound was just about closed but it still felt tight and stingy. I groan as he helps me up which makes him look at me with worried eyes. "I've got you" he smiles as he puts my arm around his waist and clings on to me. "Use me as support Callie". I shrug him off which makes his eyebrows furrow in confusion. "I know your names not Maliki, Gavin. Who are you" I question as he walks towards me.

Gavin opens the door to my room and motions me to follow, after making our way out of the room I see we are in a small house. There is a bedroom opposite the room I was in and as we made our way along a small corridor it opened into a sitting area and kitchen. "Come on" he smiles as he opens the front door for me, leaving me standing taking in my surroundings. "Not until you tell me who you are" I growl refusing to move from where I am standing.

He sighs before walking towards me again "I should have known this wasnt going to be straight forward" he laughs before pulling a syringe of clear liquid out from his inside jacket pocket. "Sweet dreams princess" he chuckles as he stabs it into my neck. I had no choice but to let the darkness take over.

I don't know how much time had passed but when I woke up I was in another room, in which looked like a new house "what the fuck" I whisper as I try to get out of the bed. I stand in the middle of the bright white room, my eyes go to the bed before they go to the near by dresser. I see a single door in the room, I push it open with my foot but sigh as I see it's just a bathroom. "Where's the way out" I grumble to myself.

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