1. Mr. Kat's morning pranks

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The day began just like an average day in the Burtonburger family's life. Coop woke up, opened his closet to pick out clothes when a paintball hit the boy, covering his face and pajamas.

Coop: KAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coop shouted as he left his room to go to the bathroom to shower. However, Burt had just come out of the bathroom and looked at his son in bewilderment, wondering why he was covered in paint, but to some extent, he had already grown accustomed to it and wasn't surprised anymore.

Annoyed, Coop wiped the paint off his face and pajamas before heading to the shower. While the warm water washed the paint away, he tried to remember the events from the previous evening to figure out why all this had happened.

Coop furrowed his brow as he massaged foamy shampoo into his hair.

Coop: This cat never stops playing pranks on me - he muttered to himself.

After finishing his shower, he walked out of the bathroom and met his father again in the hallway.

Burt: Are you ready, Coop? - he asked, smiling at the sight of his paint-covered son.

Coop: Yes, just Mr. Kat pulled another one of his pranks on me.

Burt: Well, I hope you didn't take it too seriously.

Coop: No, just annoying. But he'll pay for it.

Coop tried to explain to his father, but Burt didn't seem convinced that Mr. Kat was the culprit.

Burt: Coop, do you seriously believe a cat could do something like this?

Coop: But Dad, he's done so many things that are way worse. I know it sounds strange, but he's actually an alien being, and he always messes with me.

Burt just laughed.

Burt: Come on, don't believe these made-up stories, Coop. Mr. Kat is just a cat, nothing more.

Coop looked at his father angrily and reproachfully.

Coop: Of course, Dad, so you think I painted myself to mess with myself? Why would I do that? And how could a person have paintballs to suddenly cover my face and pajamas like this?

Burt hesitated for a moment, then answered somewhat awkwardly.

Burt: Well, maybe someone else is playing a prank on you or there was some accident... But I guess there's really no evidence that Mr. Kat did it.

Coop turned around and started looking for new clothes, while his father went about his own business.

Coop found a clean T-shirt and pants in his closet and quickly got dressed. Then he went down to the kitchen, where Millie was already having breakfast.

Millie: What's up, Coop? - she asked cheerfully as she spooned her cereal.

Coop: Nothing special, just the usual mischief from Mr. Kat - Coop replied as he took an apple from the fruit bowl.

Coop just smiled, but inside he knew that the day still had surprises in store. He should have stopped Mr. Kate somehow before he caused more trouble.

As Coop ate his breakfast, outwardly patient but inwardly growing concerned, he watched Mr. Kate, seemingly innocently resting on the living room windowsill. But Coop knew exactly that the cat's quietness was deceptive.

He wasn't wrong. Barely a few minutes passed, Mr. Kat suddenly jumped up and ran towards the table. In a deft move, he knocked over the milk cup, which was headed straight for Coop. The boy only jumped aside at the last moment, so the milk only reached his chair and part of the table.

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