3. Friend support

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While Burt was lost in thought about the tragic past, Coop paced back and forth in his room. He didn't know what he would say to the psychologist.

Coop: The psychologist surely won't believe what I say. They'll probably send me to a, or ann asylum, institution, or off to military school. And all because of a cat who's still hanging around my neck, even though I thought I got rid of him last time.

Coop glanced at the phone he received from Monica. It was on his desk, of course Burt had already noticed it, but he didn't attach much importance to it, thinking it was just a toy phone, because it looked like one. Just a few days had passed since the busy day when Monica reported everything to him, then they went to the cat food factory to catch Mr. Kat, and when they went with his family to District 102 to bring Mr. Kat home. Coop tried to call her a couple of times to clear up the conflict. Coop nervously held the special device in his hand, knowing that the woman remembers nothing, and doesn't see him as her son, but just some strange kid fighting with an alien cat.

Coop: Maybe you could give advice on this, even if not as my mother...

He pressed the call button and waited.

Monica was on a mission with Agent Caramel at Owl Lake when Coop called.

Monica: (looking around) We should find some clue here, but there's nothing.

Caramel: (investigating) I agree, this seems like a fruitless search so far.

Monica: (frustrated) I know. I don't think our target is in the water. The real problem isn't here.

Caramel: The water might be contaminated, but the solution probably isn't here.

At that moment, Monica's phone rang. After a brief pause, she answered it.

Monica: Just a moment, Caramel, I have to take this. - she said into the phone - Yes? Who am I speaking to?

Coop: Um, Mom... agent Moonbeam, it's me Coop. I know it sounds strange, but we need to talk.

Monica's eyebrow raised.

Monica: Is the invasion coming? Or why are you calling?

Coop: No. Mom, I'm worried, I'm going to a psychologist today. Everyone thinks the things I say are just products of my imagination. But you know they're true.

Monica: Well, I only know what you've told me about it, and what I've seen, but when we talked in the tree house, I saw that you weren't lying.

Coop: But how?

Monica: I can tell when someone is lying. If the psychologist is good, he'll see it too.

Coop: But the psychologist might also think that I'm not lying, but just imagining all this.

Monica: That's true, but his goal isn't to judge you. His job is to listen and help you understand your thoughts. If you believe in it, stand up for yourself!

Coop: It's just... it's hard for me to talk about my feelings.

Monica: Look, Kid, I'm not a great expert on emotions, especially lately, when I feel like I'm living in a foreign world. But you know, sometimes you just have to say things as they are.

Coop: Really? Would you dare to face dad and tell him you're alive?

Monica: It's not that simple. I don't remember my past, including my relationship with your father. The fact I'm alive would create a complicated situation.

Coop: (hopefully) I just thought that if you revealed yourself, maybe it would help both me and him, and he would realize I'm not just fantasizing about Mr. Kat.

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