014, 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥

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Anna knew how Mark had been treating her like she was vulnerable lately. She hated it. She felt as though she couldn't move on from what happened and it was getting to her.

Anna had been trying to move on from the shooting. And she just knew it was hard when she still had Mark treating her like she was going to blow at any moment which was something she didn't want.

She just wanted to feel normal. But it wasn't going to happen. She needed to talk to Mark about how she was feeling. And tell him he needed to back off of her a little.

Anna was sitting in the locker room at the hospital with Ella. Ella was the only one treating her like she was normal.

Ella shared a look with Alex as he walked out. Anna knew she needed to find out what had gone on with Ella and her brother  as they hadn't even been talking.

Cristina turned to look at her friends. "Owen washed my hair. And he told me to eat this grainy nut bar. And he booked me into surgery this morning. He is in charge of me. I'm a bride, and I'm going with it," she said.

Meredith shrugged. "But trauma guy didn't clear you."

"Yeah, but he said he'll figure that out."

Anna turned around. She looked at the staring people. "Yes. Okay, I am the crazy one. I am the one who freaks out and screams at people ... Like that," she mumbled. She was sick of the looks she was getting.

Ella turned to them. "Go gawk at each other for a while," she told them as the other pagers went off.

Meredith looked to Anna. "Are you okay?" She questioned.

Anna rolled her eyes. "Would everybody please just stop asking if I am okay? Okay?" She said as she grabbed her lab coat and walked off.

Ella sat there and sighed. Knowing she was worried about her.


Anna walked over to Callie and Arizona. "Okay, I'm not saying rip out walls. I'm saying throw some paint up on 'em. You know, soften it up. Yang decorated the place for her, and it's just a little harsh and frowny," Arizona said.

Callie frowned. "Okay. I'm gonna stop you right there, 'cause Yang doesn't decorate. I decorated that place. It's my frowny place," she told her.

Anna grinned. She shrugged. "Well... it is kinda dark and depressing. Where's the colour?"

"I meant modern and edgy. If it's gonna be our place, I just need it to be a little more smiley."

"Ugh. My God. I ... frowny?"

Arizona smiled and kissed Callie's cheek as she walked off. "Edgy."


Anna and Ella were with Callie who looked to them. "Okay, multiple burn victims. Two with paralysis, three with vision loss, one, uh, blown eardrums, and one dislocated hip," she told them.

Ella frowned. "House fire? Explosion? Car wreck?" She questioned.

"Uh, act of God."

Anna tilted her head. "Act of God? The hell you talking about?" She asked.

Callie nodded. "Yeah, lightning strike."

Bailey shook her head in disbelief. "All that from one lightning strike? One lightning strike, eight victims," she said.

Callie nodded. "Took out a whole flag football team."

Bailey looked around at all the patients. She smiled. "God was in a mood today."

LITTLE KAREV, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now