Asking out

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Sage's POV

"Oh yeah, I'm so sorry about that, I was in a rush and needed to get somewhere" I say, pulling on my hoody to cover my hands as I feel anxious under his gaze

"Go out to dinner with me" He says catching me off guard. I look at his eyes look down after a few seconds.

I can't seem to hold his intense gaze . It make my legs weak and make me feel like he can see everything, my heart, my mind(And thoughts) my feelings. He can see how wet I'm becoming under his gaze.

I need to get away from here I don't know what I'm feeling but it's wrong.

"W-What? I don't e-even know y-you" I said trying to walk around him.

He steps in my way and continues his intense gaze. Blocking my way.

"You will, cupcake" He said sounding amused at something I don't get.

"I don't know your name" I say, trying to find reasons to say no.

"Noah, now go out with me on a date" his voice sounds more of a demand than a question.

I mean what's the worst that could happened. I get fucked for the first time. That doesn't seem bad at all

"N-Noah, Okay I'll go out to dinner or lunch or whatever you want date" I say, feeling his name roll off my tough so smoothly it make me blush. "And I'm Sage Wood, nice to meet you"

"I know, Can you give me your number" I hate how he gives me orders like he fuckin owns me or something.

We exchange phones and give them back.

"Do you have a car or have you called a cab yet" he asks

"No, I'm taking the bus" I say pointing towards the direction where the bus stop is.

"I'll walk you there" He says already walk to the direction.

"No-No you don't have to" I say fumbling over my words. Struggling to breath. I don't want to look at him because he make me nervous and make me imagine thing I shouldn't imagine about a stranger.

"Come on" He says walking. I follow him and we walk in silence for a few minutes before

"Are you scared of me?" he asks

I look up at him to find his look at me with intense gaze. Strange how I feel so much comfort in a person I had just met.

"N-No" I managed to say

"Then why won't you look at me, am I that hideous to you, princess?" he askes, stops walking and faces me who is still looking down and has also stopped walking

I don't know this man, but he already make me nervous and weak on my knees at the same time. And horny, very horny.

"N-no" I say

"Then why won't you let me see your beautiful dark chocolate eyes that I crave to see so much, princess" he say. I look up at him. He's looking down on me. He towers over me.

"Why are you talking like you know me?" I ask

He continues to walk.

"Because I do know you, partially. I know you from class. You wouldn't know me because I don't think you even spend a day on earth without leaving as soon as you have arrived" he says sound so calm, so sexy and sturdy it makes me remember that I'm still a virgin.

"I have known you since your first year here, princess"

He turns to look at me, few moments pass as I get lost in his eyes. So hazel, so beautiful.

"We have arrived" he says

"Get home safe, I'll text you when I get home" He says it as a promise and reminder.


I arrive at home and clean up and shower. I am relaxing on the couch searching Netflix.

My phone sounds a notification. I look at it and realize it's an unknown number. Which means it's him. Noah

Was I crazy, to give a stranger my number. Yes. Yes I was.

Noah: Did you arrive safely at home, princess?

Me: Yes I did, and why do you keep on calling me princess?

Noah: Because I like it, or would you like me to call you what caramel, darling, sweetheart. You choose"

Me: I don't choose anything. And don't call me any other pet name. I barley even know you.

Noah: I will come fetch you on Wednesday at six pm. Dress comfortable.

Me: Okay, Wednesday it is.

Noah: Make sure you sleep, okay.

Me: Yeah sure buddy goodnight


I've been talking to Noah since last week Friday and it's been good. I got to ask his questions and he asked me question.

Why didn't anyone tell me the talking stage is good.

I had no classes from Monday to Tuesday. It was Wednesday today.

I didn't go in today because first, I was not in the mood, and second I am tired, yeah I got a break of two days but that was not enough. I live alone, outside of the big city but not far away from the university.

My house is spacious and enough for five people, six if you're push it.

I sat in my bed all day I am still sitting on it. I am binge watching Riverdale.

Noah: I hope you're getting ready

I forgot about our date, shoot.

I look at the time and it's 5:20. I shoot up from the bed and run to the toilet. I freshen up. By the time I get out of the shower it was already 5:40

Noah: Send me your address

I send him.

After debating with myself about an outfit I finally settle on a baggy jean with a oversized hoodie and some sneakers.

I hear the door bell ring. I descended down the stairs so quickly I tripped and fall. Spraining my foot.

He probably heard me falling and yelping because he opens the door. The stairs are face to face with the door, The first thing he saw was me sitting on the steps. But my mind is in a haze of pain to even register what is happening.

"Fucking hell" I say mumbling, I can barely even breath. It hurt so bad I can fell the tears prickling down my checks "Damn fuck"

I keep cursing and it take time for me to register that I am being carried to my cough bridal style by Noah who looks handsome. For a moment I forgot I was hurting. I feel like a wuss.

I hope you liked it, share your comments and how you feel about the book and I will see you on the next one byee 💖💖

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