Making it official

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Sage's POV

Today the professor is making us write a short test that will contribute to our finale results of this 3rd year.

"Okay, people settle down. The paper is 1 hour, if you submit a minute late forget about your mark. I hope every one got that. You may start"

The paper is set on the table. I start looking through it.

"Can I borrow a pencil" the girl next to me asks. I look at her.

She has long brown hair, fair skin. Smaller body than mine and blue eyes.

She's the kind of girl that come from a rich family. No she is the rich family.

"Sure." I gave it to her

"Thanks" she replies

"You can keep it" I say, focusing my attention back on my paper.

"I'm Isabella, by the way"

I look at her stretched out hand.

I take it and smile

"Sage, nice to meet you"

She pulls her hand away I do the say. I focus on the task at hand.

I would be lying if I say the test looked hard. After looking through on it. I ran through that paper. As always. Aced it.

After 40 minute, I finished the small test and started packing my bag.

Right now all I want to do is go back home, take a shower and watch a series in warm covers.

Isabella finishes right after me and started packing her bag.

"We should hang out some time" she says.

"We should?" I ask. No one has ever asked me to 'hang out' before. That's the first.

"Yeah give me your number and I'll text you the details." she says taking her bag and slinging it on her shoulder.

We exchange numbers and say our goodbyes.

I submit the paper to my professor who is a short old man (not too old) with glasses.

"Thank you" he says taking my paper.

I walk out of the class and I'm so glad I'm done.

I texted Sky to meet me at the cafeteria. He also had a class today.

I make my way to the cafeteria to find him sitting on the table next to the window.

This cafeteria has huge arch windows and a huge space.

The is a self serve area when you walk in you see it on your left and the rest is an open space that has white tables and chairs.

I walk up to him. His resting his hand under his chin.

"What made you so gloomy today" I ask sitting down placing my bag on the chair next to me.

"I have to come to here tomorrow" he says

"For what?" I ask

"For an extra class obviously" he bits back

Today is meant to be the last day of school before we go on holidays and before we also have to write exams after the holidays.

"That sucks." I say

"Tell me about it. Now I won't get to meet Lisa tomorrow for a date." I say

"You can just meet her on the weekend" I say

"She's busy on weekends and doesn't have time. Plus I'm going home on the weekend" I say

"Who works on weekends?" I ask.

"You tell me" he says

He places his head down he table. Groaning in frustration


Noah practically lives here now. He sleeps here, wakes up from here. I even made space for him in the drawers. His part of my life now. But we have not made the moving in official.

I was planning on asking him to move in with me, but I haven't had the courage to ask him.

I'm cuddling with him on the couch watching some series.

"My friends want to meet you" he says out of the blue

I sit up right and face him

"What?" I ask. I can visible feel my face in shock.

"Close your mouth before a fly gets in." he says. I closing my mouth.

"You told your friends about me?" I ask still feeling shocked.

"Yeah, Why not? We practically live together so I didn't see any reason to not tell them" he says

I smile.

"Did you just say we live together" I ask

I thought I'm the only one thinking that. That his thinking about it too make me so giddy.

"Yes, we do live together, don't we?" he asks looking at me with his gorgeous smile.

I want to keep it all to myself.

"Yes we do. We do live together." I jump up to hug him

"Did we just make it official?" I ask moving my head to look at him. Still in his arms

"Yes, baby we just made it official" he says, closing the gap in between us. Crashing his lips to mine.

And my god his lips are so soft.

Noah is kissing me. My first kiss

He moves away and looks at me. As though his checking if I'm okay with this.

I nod

His lips find mine. I open up more to give him more access . His tough moves into my mouth and meets mine. Our toughs move in a rhythm.

His kissing me with affection and gentleness.

His mouth is so warm at tastes so delicious. I don't want it to end.

His biting my lower lip and sucking on it and taking control over my mouth, my body.

I feel like fluid. I seem to have forgotten how to breath as he pulls away. And I have to catch my breath.

He touches my lips and kisses me one more time. This time a peck.

"You taste amazing" he says so low and deep.

Butterflies in my stomach and all. I can feel my cheeks turning red.

His eyes are looking at me with such intensity I can't hold it.

"You are amazing, princess" he says

I place my forehead on his shoulder.

"Is my princess shy, you're hiding now after everything" he laughs. Trying to see my face.

"Is my baby embarrassed" he says tickling me.

"No stop. Noah no" I say pulling away from him.

He stops

"There's my shy, princess." then continues tickling me.

I can't stop laughing

"Noah stop it" he stops after minutes of me begging him to.

"Now what do you say? Do you want to meet my friends?" he asks

I move away from him

"Can you give me some time to think about it" I say

I don't know if I'm ready to meet them yet.

"It's okay. I'll wait for your answer. Take your time princess. I will be right here when you make your decision" he says brushing my cheek with his thumb.

To think I loved being alone. I can never go back to that place

And today has been the best day ever.

I hope you liked it.

Thank you for reading and I will see you on the next one byee 💖

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