Talk About A Cluster Storm

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They couldn't get the medications filled. When Florian called the pharmacy, they told him they can't refill them within the same month. He tried to explain the situation, but they said it was the rules and there was nothing they could do. That was that same Tuesday afternoon. It was now Wednesday morning and things were already not going well.

Dahlia woke up tired, a little confused, and with crescent moon scabs in her palms from where her fingernails had dug into them. All of which told her she had a seizure in her sleep again. So Divina had to help her great ready and then walked her to her second period math class. But then during math, while the teacher was lecturing, Pippin crawled to the top of her head and started to gently knead it.

Shit. She was going to have a seizure. She sighed and turned to Wednesday. "I'm about to have a seizure."

"Then lay down," she answered as she continued to take notes.

"I don't wanna," she whined a little. She knows she told Ms. Perrin she would be more careful with her seizures, but the idea of just randomly laying down in class still sucked.

"I don't care what you want. You're already off your meds and you're not going to get yourself hurt on my watch. So shut up and lay down."

Dahlia whined but did as she was told. She slipped out of her chair and laid down on her side. And as soon as she did, a focal seizure overtook her. Wednesday kept an eye on her, timing it as well. Thankfully, when the teacher noticed her on the floor, he didn't say anything, having enough common sense to come to his own conclusion. And any student who looked at her weirdly was met with a harsh glare from Wednesday that immediately got them to stop.

Two minutes later Dahlia came to and stayed laying for an extra minute as she gathered her strength. She was now exhausted and felt like she could barely move, limbs like lead. But at least now that she had a seizure she should be fine, right? Usually you only have one once a day, if you have more than one then it's a concern. She didn't know if sleep seizures counted in that though. Either way, the worst of it was over now, right? So she slowly got back to her seat, legs shaking as she worked her way up. Once sat back down though, she was having trouble paying attention for the rest of class. The numbers swam on the board and paper and everything was blurry, head pounding with every attempted thought.

When class ended, Divina helped her to her third period, feeling concerned with how exhausted she looked. But when Divina asked if Dahlia had a seizure, she said no. Because she didn't want to worry her. She was off her meds and they were expecting her to have a one. Which she just did, so there was nothing to worry about anymore. Though technically she had two if she counted the one in her sleep. But she didn't know if that counted to the whole and she was afraid that Divina might panic and want to take her to the hospital if she found out about that. She hates hospitals.

Her stem for her hatred of hospitals began when she was a kid. Hospitals were basically a playground for spirits. There was always so many at any given time. And now throw in a little girl who didn't understand her power yet? Yeah, it was terrifying. And then the crash happened and just made it worse. Because now the hospital reminded her of almost dying and the fact that her parents abandoned her. She hates having to go for her doctor opponents and would never go again if she didn't have to. So she lied.

But whilst in her music theory class, about half way through, Pippin began to knead her head again. Another seizure? Seriously? That's not good. But maybe it's normal when you're off your meds? Who knows. She sighed and rubbed her face. "I'm about to have a seizure."

Lupine's eyes widened. "Lay down, hurry." He helped her lay down and rest on her side.

And once again a focal seizure took over. It lasted three minutes, and when she came too she was beyond exhausted. Two seizures within an hour and a half of each other was definitely not good for her tiredness. And probably not good in general. But she wasn't going to say anything. Hopefully, she wouldn't have any more. Maybe that was it. She didn't know. But she just knew she didn't want to go to the hospital. So she didn't say anything. Lupine helped her back to her chair a few minutes later, but she could barely keep her eyes open now.

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