Chapter 16: The Battle of Pelenor Fields

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Back in Minas Tirith. The Battle continued all over the city on fire. Orcs were now storming Gondorian Defenses all over the Lower Levels. The City breached, and burning. And all the while, the Steward of Gondor continued to remain in the Tomb of the Stewards. 

Pippin and Arya watched as Denethor's Servants placed Faramir on a pyre of sticks and wood. And more piles were being placed to light on fire.

"He's insane." Arya whispered to Pippin.

To prove her point, Denethor had held Faramir's head. "The house of his spirit crumbles. He is burning. Already burning." He said.

"He's not dead." Pippin interrupted, making Denethor look at Pippin. "HE'S NOT DEAD!" He shouted in a frantic tone and he started pulling the wood away. 

"What in the Seven Hells is wrong with you?!" Arya also shouted. "You're burning this guy alive! Give him Medicine! I know you're usually stable... actually I never thought that about you." She retracted her sentence.

But Denethor had now gotten off the pyre and had grabbed Pippin dragging him along the corridor.

"Hey! Get off him, you nutjob!" Arya shouted trying to get Denethor's grip off of Pippin. Only to have Denethor's other servants grab Arya and throw her out as well. 

"NO! NO! He's not dead!" Pippin tried to yell.

"Farewell, Peregrin son of Paladin." Denethor stated as a matter of fact.

"NO! NO!" Pippin yelled as he struggled to get free.

"I release you from my service." Denethor declared as he tossed both Pippin and Arya out of the Tomb. "Go now and die with the Girl in what way seems best for you both." And he shut the door on them.

Pippin slammed his fist in frustration.

"Denethor you... YOU WHACK JOB!" Arya yelled. 

"Arya. He's going to kill Faramir." Pippin noted.

"No kidding." Arya said as she stared on in horror. Especially as Denethor shouted to pour on the oil. She then looked at Pippin. "We've got to find Gandalf! He's the only one who can save Faramir!" She drew out Needle. "Summer!" She called.

Summer ran over to Arya. "We've got to move quick. And we... may or may not encounter some Orcs." Arya advised.

Pippin nodded.

Both Arya and Pippin ran headlong into the lower levels, as they ran past retreating Gondorian Soldiers. 

"Come on soldier, move it. Hurry along there, hurry along." Some of the soldiers yelled as they retreated.

"Gandalf!" Pippin called as the soldiers ran past him and Arya. "Where's Gandalf?!" But all the soldiers ignored him. "GANDALF!" 

"Anyone seen Gandalf?!" Arya asked.

"He was back telling us to retreat." One Gondorian Soldier answered.

"Thank you." Arya thanked and was also thinking about how she wished that Jon and Sansa were with her.

Upon moving downward through the city, the Orcs continued their barrage of storming the gates and fireballs continued to rain down on the city, smashing into roofs. The Gondorians all ran away from charging Trolls who were smashing their clubs. And also trying to defend themselves against the onslaught of the Orcs.

"Retreat!" Gandalf ordered the Gondorians as they retreated. "The city is breached. Fall back to the second level. Get the women and children out. Get them out! Retreat!" 

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