Rise of the Titans (3)

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"Now that we are all here, Merlin's grimoire has enlightened me to the destructive forces of the Arcane Order." Blinky started explaining as he opened the grimoire.

"Oh boy. Whenever he opens a book, it's pretty bad." Toby sighed. Jim enters the room with Claire and Strickler helping him and Barbara walking close to him.

"You have room for one more around that big table?" Jim asked as everyone exclaimed at the presence of Jim while y/n smiled at her brother being able to walk despite still being hurt. As Jim walked closer to the table, y/n smiled, "Welcome back little bro."

"Ah! Master Jim! By Gorgus, it is good to see you on your feet." Blinky smiled as he helped Jim towards the table.

"Barely. But I am happy to stand by your side Blinky." Jim smiled as Blinky chuckled. "So, what are we dealing with?" Jim asked. As Blinky opened the book, a hologram appears because of the Akiridion technology the castle had.

"The Arcane order. They seek to reawaken the Titans, imbued by the Arcane's primordial energies. Three Titans were their handmaidens to the birth of the universe. They have been in stasis for a millenia awaiting a reckoning of epic proportions, a reckoning this world, or any other, has never seen. When they combine in the center of the universe, Earth will be reborn back to the age of first creation." Blinky explains as the projection of the Earth on the hologram turns red, wiping out everything on Earth.

"Reborn?" Claire questioned.

"Don't tell me they're going to destroy the Earth." Toby groaned.

"Quite the opposite. They will erase all life on Earth, they will burn the oceans, they will flood the cities." Blinky explained in a similar way of destroying earth. Toby thought about Blinky's words before exaggerating, "That's destroying it!"

"No, it's a new start. Life will begin... again." Archie corrected.

"Life will start anew." Nari sighed.

"That's a joyous spin." Barbara spoke.

"Where is the center of the universe?" Claire asked.

"You are very familiar with it." Blinky replied.

Back in Arcadia Oaks, the workers are re-building Arcadia Oaks High while the students lined up to enter a school bus.

"So, we don't technically have a school but that doesn't mean we can't learn. We're going on a field trip zoomers." Coach Lawrence announced as the students groan, entering the bus.

"Wait, wait, wait. Arcadia, our hometown, is the center of the world?" Eli questioned.

"Of the universe, apparently." Strickler corrected.

"It kinda explains a lot when you think about it."

"Nothing is getting reborn as long as we have Nari. They need her to complete the ritual, am I correct?" Jim asked.

"All three primordial wizards must be present, correct." Blinky replied. Jim walked up to Nari and asked, "Tell me you know where the Arcane Oder is." Nari simply shook her head and frowned.


In an empty, dark warehouse, Douxie who was in Nari's body was being tied up by magical bonds. Water dripped around him as the puddle in front of him freezes, Skrael floating closer to him.

"Ah, ah, ah." Skrael chuckled, holding the Genesis Seals.

"Struggle all you want. The breaking of the seals requires only your presence, not your commitment." Bellroc spoke as Douxie struggled to break free. Bellroc dragged Nari's body in front of the seals, the three hovering around the seals.

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