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I decided i was going to walk to school.I got started on the path when i hear a stick break behind me.I didn't turn around.I don't know what is behind me it could be a murder for all i know.

I turn around slowly and i find a guy. He must be new cause i have never seen him before.

"Hello,I didn't mean to startle you.," he said with a very sexy voice. it kinda turned me on.

Stop thinking like that he is stalking you. "Why are you following me?" I asked with a stern voice." Austin".

Austin P.O.V

Come on Austin pull yourself together!Stop staring at her awesome body.She looks like she as been working out , i mean look at her body not many girls has that good of a body.As i was stareing at her amazing body she cleared her throught.

"What, no name " i asked. " I 'm Kayla. You steel haven't answered my question ".God her voice is so beutiful. " I wasn't following you I was tolled to take this path by my mom, she said it would lead to the school, "i said mater -of -fact. " Are you new? I have never seen you around here before ".

"Ya, I 'm new just moved here yesterday from Michigan"."Oh". We stood there in silence for a little intell I decided to say something." Well, cutie do you want me to walk with you to school?"." For one dont call me cutie, and dor two only if you keep your hands to yourself".I put my hands up in surender." Deal ". She juat giggled and used her hand to tell me to come on. I think this was going to be the begining of a beutiful friendship.

A /N : Hey guys!! I really need your feedback on how to.make this more interesting!! Tell your friends about this book if u like it. I'll update as soon as possible.


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