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Contains: Smut/Lemon/Lime

Trigger Warning: Extremely Dubious Consent/Some Elements of Rape

A/N: This is definitely the heaviest Roadrat fanfic I've written thus far for this book. If you are someone who is turned off or is made uncomfortable by elements of sexual assault, I highly recommend you skip this one shot. As always, stay safe and I love you all.

Demon/Priest AU

Jamison would like to think that he is a good man.

"What are you doing here?"

Jamison didn't know what to think when he saw the demon in his dorm room, on his bed. He wanted to be angry, he really did, but he couldn't bring himself to be.

"Get out," Jamison said while closing and locking the door behind him. The seminarian removed his black dress shoes before reading the clock in his dorm, "7:43 pm."

"Sure don't want me gone," The demon, Mako, said sitting up from the bed.

Mako wasn't his real name. A demon would never tell you its name, never give you that power over it. Instead, it was the name Jamison gave him after he realized he wasn't going to leave him alone.

Jamison should have been scared, should have been running out of that room and sought refuge in the Chapel, yet he couldn't help how excited he became when that thing stood in front of him. Jamison was tall and towered over everyone else in the seminary, including the teaching priests and Rector, but he was nothing compared to this demon. At almost a foot taller and muscles that would put professional bodybuilders to shame, Mako was one hell of a demon -- pun intended. Not to mention, he was very quiet and rarely spoke, making him all the more incomprehensible.

"Don't tell me what the hell I do and don't want," Jamison spat at him, pulling his surplus over his head and throwing it on the chair at his desk.

"And for your information," Jamison objected, grabbing his waist, "I want to pray."

He pulled the rosary from where it was tucked against his waist and watched as the demon grimaced at it. He dragged the burgundy kneeler pad from beneath his bed and positioned it by its side and kneeled on it, resting his elbows on his bed. He wrapped the rosary around his hand, squeezed the Crucifix between his fingers, and made the sign of the cross, whiffing the faint scent of rosewood as it passed by his nose.

"I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible."

Jamison could feel the demon's eyes burning into him from behind, anger practically dripping off of him.

"He's not listening," Mako said, running his hand down Jamison's spine, and Jamison had to stop himself from trembling at the warm touch.

"I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,"

"He doesn't care," Mako continues, kneeling next to the other, "Nothing you say or do could get Him to care for such a sinful boy."

"I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,"

"But it's okay," He presses a kiss to the other's neck while his hands travel lower, "I'm here, and I'm listening."

Selflessness is a virtue among all Catholics, especially those in the priesthood. It falls in line with the Cardinal Virtue of temperance and is what makes a priest a good one. Being able to give up one's possessions and life, to make decisions based on the good of others and not oneself truly embodied the virtues Christ revealed to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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