Nasty Ass Rat

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It's been like this for about half an hour now. The bickering back and forth, "yes, no, yes, no, yes, no." It was really starting to annoy Roadhog and he was being pushed to his limit fast.

Normally, Roadhog was very patient with Junkrat. But when it came to things like this, it pissed him off quicker.

Most of the Overwatch members were complaining about Junkrat's smell and lack of personal hygiene and honestly, it bothered Roadhog a little too, though he was used to it by now. It's no surprise by now that Junkrat is a smelly, nasty, dirt-covered and just overall disgusting person. Well, at least, to most of the Overwatch members. However, this isn't always the case. There were a few times they saw his relatively clean, but never had they seen him fully clean. Which is how they ended up in this situation.

"I'm not taking a shower, Hog." Junkrat said as he used the bed between him and Roadhog as a barrier in a vein attempt to protect himself from the much larger man who was trying to get him to bathe.

"Jamison, you stink. Shower. Now." Roadhog spoke in a commanding manor.

"NO! I won't fucking do it!" Junkrat shouted back at Roadhog. Like stated earlier, Roadhog's patience was wearing thin.

"For the love of God, why? Why won't you take a fucking shower?" Roadhog yelled, catching Junkrat off guard. Junkrat opened his mouth, looking as if he were going to say something, but quickly shut it. He looked down at his hands that were gripping the blankets on the bed, one flesh, one metal.

"I-I...I" Junkrat started, but couldn't quite get the words he wanted to use out of his mouth. Now it was Roadhog's turn to be caught off guard. Normally, Junkrat wad loud and slightly annoying, but this just wasn't like him.

Junkrat felt warm tears weld up in his eyes as he recalled the memories from when he was younger, when he was a child.

"Jamison... Jamie?" Roadhog asked concerned. He walked over to Junkrat's side of the bed and Junkrat made no movement to stop him, or try to escape. Roadhog placed one of his big hands on Junkrat's gaunt back, to which the smaller man moved into his touch and ended up nuzzling his  face into Roadhog's chest.

"W-When I was a kid," Junkrat started, "When I did something bad, m-my dad would hold my h-head underwater." At this point, tears were streaming down Junkrat's face while Roadhog wrapped his arms around Junkrat's thin frame. He picked up the smaller man and sat down on their shared bed and softly whispered to him.

"Jamie, shh. It's ok. You know I wouldn't do that to you. I love you too much to do that." Roadhog whispered to Junkrat in hopes of soothing him. It worked, even if it did take a little time.

"Here, how about this? I make a warm bath for you and help clean you off? That sound good? I'll even use a bathbomb." Roadhog asked, hoping that the mention of a bomb would get him to comply. Junkrat shifted in his arms a bit and asked,

"Wait, there are bathbombs?" To which Roadhog simply shook his head. Junkrat looked at him, sceptical at first, but ended up agreeing to it.

Roadhog started the water in the bathtub. A small shiver ran down Junkrat's spine as for a second he thought a punishment was in order, but quickly remembered that he was safe with Roadhog. Junkrat was sitting on the side of the tub when he stared to strip, first removing his prosthetic as not to damage them. Roadhog walked out of the room as Junkrat removed the rest of his clothing and when he came back he had a small sphere like item in his hand.

He looked over and asked, "You wanna put it in?" (no homo)

Junkrat shook his head 'yes' violently and Roadhog walked over and placed, what Junkrat assumed to be, the "bomb" into his good hand. Junkrat pivot on the tub and plopped the bomb into the water. What he wasn't expecting, however, was for the water to fizz up and turn a dark blueish color. 

"What's this crap?" Junkrat asked obviously confused as he dragged his good hand in the now blue water.

"Soap, and dye. That's what a bath bomb does to water." Roadhog told him and he grabbed the younger man's waist. Junkrat stiffened in his grasp as he felt him self be lifted off the side of the tub and was slowly placed into the warm bath water. He immediately relaxed as he was completely submerged into the water and even leaned into Roadhog's hand that were still on his waist.

"See. You like this." Roadhog said after he removed his hands from the water. Junkrat didn't say anything for about a minute, just making small humming and groaning noises, clearly pleased by the water.

"Hooly Dooly, mate. This feels so... nice," Junkrat started, "B-Before, when my dad would do it, the water w-would be freezing." Junkrat finished as he subconsciously grabbed  his right arm stump. Roadhog got his hands wet, grabbed a bottle of shampoo, and started to massage Junkrat's scalp. Junkrat practically melted into Roadhog's touch, and made soft noises.

"Well, I'm not your dad, but I am your daddy~" Roadhog said, a slight tease in his voice. Junkrat, surprisingly didn't say anything back to him as he just laid in the tub with his eyes closed, letting his scalp be massaged. Roadhog soon rinsed out his hair and put in the conditioner. Junkrat opened his eyes and reached for the body wash to start to clean himself while Roadhog Handed him a washcloth.

"Wash as much of yourself as you can and I'll do the rest." Roadhog told him.

"Ok." Junkrat complied as Roadhog squirted some soap onto the washcloth and Junkrat began to clean himself. Eventually, he got everything except for some of his back and his left arm, which Roadhog helped out with. After his body was cleaned Roadhog rinsed the conditioner out of Junkrat's hair and as he was about to pull the plug to the tub, he froze. Junkrat was facing away from Roadhog the entire time, and when he finally turned around, Roadhog noticed something he never saw before.

Jamison Fawks has freckles, and he looks absolutely adorable with them.

"Uh, Hog. Ya good there? You're staring." Junkrat asked.

"Freckles?" Roadhog said, but it sounded more like he was asking. Junkrat turned away from him and blushed a bright red, something Roadhog was never able to see under all the layers of dirt and soot that used to stain Junkrat's face.

"Y-Yeah. W...What of it?" Junkrat stuttered.

"You look so cute with it." Roadhog said. Junkrat went to turn back to look at Roadhog, but was met with the larger man's lips. He hadn't even noticed that Roadhog had lifted his mask and shifted his weight over the side of the tub.

Junkrat caught on though and started to kiss back. Roadhog pulled away and pulled the plug to the tub. As the water was draining, Roadhog grabbed Junkrat and started to clean him off, being very careful not to accidentally hurt him.

That was one thing that scared Roadhog the most. Junkrat was by no means a small man, but compared to Roadhog, he looked so small and fragile. One wrong move and he could break one bone in that tiny body.

After Junkrat was completely dried off and had fresh clothes on, Junkrat got his prosthetic back on and immediately flopped onto the bed in their room.

"If you're going to lay down, at least put a towel-" Roadhog started, but cut himself off as he noticed that Junkrat was already asleep in the bed, slightly curled into a ball. Roadhog smiled under his mask and decided to join him.

Roadhog changed into more comfortable clothing, took off his mask, and got under the blankets like Junkrat had done. He scooted over to the smaller man and wrapped his large arms around Junkrat's  small chest and still damp hair.

"Thanks, mate." Junkrat said half asleep.

"Shh... Just sleep." Roadhog told him as he pressed a kiss to his forehead.

Maybe bathing wasn't so bad after all.

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