Where Is He?

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This is before Roadhog and Junkrat started to share a room at the base. Mainly focused on D.va's, Lucio's and Tracer's point of view.

Lucio and D.va were both sitting on the floor in front of the TV fighting against each other as Tracer cheered D.va on.

"Come on Hana, you can beat him, luv!" Tracer excitedly shouted as D.va started to beat Lucio. Eventually, D.va ended up kissing Lucio on the cheek, making him freeze long enough of D.va to win the round.

"Hey, no fair! You cheated!" Lucio exclaimed.

"No I didn't." D.va said smirking.

"You know what would make this better, luvs?" Tracer suddenly asked.

"What?" D.va and Lucio asked in sink with each other.

"If Jamie were here." Tracer finished.

"Yeah! Where is he?" D.va asked. Both her and Lucio had set down their controllers and stood up.

"Probably in his room. I'll go get him." Tracer said, but before she could go far D.va quickly said,

"Wait! How about we make the loser get him." D.va turned to look as Lucio with a grin.

"Ugh. Fine." Lucio complied, quickly skating off to Junkrat's room. When Lucio was standing in front of his door he knocked on it (obviously) and said,

"Yo Jamie you here? We need ya." Silence "Jamie?" Lucio said again.

"Is he even here?" Lucio thought to himself. He tested the handle and found that Junkrat's door was unlocked. "He'll forgive me." He thought as he walked into Junkrat's room. He quickly skated over to his bed to find that Junkrat wasn't there. He continued to search his room for any sign of the blond and calling his name, but to no avail. Eventually he left, closing the door behind and skated back to Tracer and D.va.

"Hey, he's not in his room." Lucio told them.

"Wait, really? Alright, we'll go looking for him." D.va said. D.va, Tracer, and Lucio all went searching for Junkrat all over the base but just couldn't find him. They met back in the living room about 15 minutes later.

"Any luck?" Tracer asked.

"No." Both Lucio and D.va said in unison. Tracer thought hard about where Junkrat could be until an idea popped into her head.

"Hey," Tracer started, "Did anyone thing to check Mako's room...?" They all looked at each other before considering the possibility that Junkrat could be in Roadhog's room.

"I-I think the real question is who's gonna get him." D.va stuttered. In all honesty, some of the younger members were still a little scared of Roadhog. Not because he was mean or anything, but simply because he was a big man and talked very little.

"Why not Tracer! She was the one with the idea!" D.va quickly shouted and before Tracer could protest she was being pushed in the direction of Roadhog's room. Tracer huffed and blinked over to Roadhog's door, her hand hovering over the handle. As she gathered all the strength in her body she slowly turned the door handle and opened the door. She was greeted to a dark room with the only light coming from the window. As Tracer's eyes scanned the room, she noticed that the walls were decorated with a few pig pictures and a small pachimari sitting on a desk parallel to the bed. As she continued to look around the room, her eyes landed onto the large, sleeping figure in the bed. Roadhog. It looked like he was holding something in his arms so she quickly, but quietly blinked up to his side of the bed.

Her hand hovered over Roadhog's arm and she mental struggled to decide if she really wanted to wake Roadhog up. She let her hand fall to her side and as she turns to head to the door, there's a small shifting in the man's arms as a head of blond hair pokes its way out of Roadhog's arms. Tracer's eyes widened with shock and and she quickly walked over to the other side. The realization hit her hard as she was Junkrat's wry body underneath Roadhog's arms. He was curled underneath one of Roadhog's arms while his arms were both wrapped around the larger man's neck. His face was nuzzled in Roadhog's chest and neck with a slight tint of pink dusting over his checks while both of Roadhog's hand were wrapped around Junkrat's hips and waist. A huge grin stretched over Tracer's lips and she internally screamed to herself. She quickly grabbed her phone and took a lot of photos, and I mean a lot. Once she was satisfied with the photos, she blinked out, quietly shut the door and got about halfway down the hall before she finally released the fan-girl like scream she was holding in. Lucio and D.va quickly ran over thinking that something bad had happened to her, but found her leaning against the wall, clucking her phone tightly in her hands.

"Lena, what happened?" D.va quickly asked.

"Yeah. You alright?" Lucio added after.

"LUVS! YOU'RE NOT GOING YO BELIEVE THIS!!!" Tracer shouted as she pulled up the photos from her phone. Once they were up she turned the screen to face the two and immediately turned red.

"I KNEW IT," D.va started, " I KNEW THEY WERE DATING! Quick, sent those to me!" Tracer went to her messages and shared them with both D.va and Lucio.

~~Time Skip~~

As Junkrat woke up he carefully wiggled his way out of Roadhog's arms, making sure not to wake the man up. He slowly padded across the floor and left the room to get something to drink. As he was on his way Theo the kitchen he spotted D.va, Tracer and Lucio all giggling at their phones. Curious, Junkrat walks over and asks,

"Alright, what are we laughing at?" Tracer quickly puts her phone face down on her lap while D.va giggles and responds,

"Oh nothing. Just THIS!" D.va exclaims turning her phones screen over so that Junkrat could see the photo of Roadhog and Junkrat sleeping. Junkrat's felt his face heat up as blood rushed to his checks and tell tips of his ears turned red.

"H-How the hell d-did you get those pictures!?"

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