Just alittle prologue

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It was late at night in Japan in the city Musutafu up on a hill far from the city is a young man looking over the city "It been a quite a while I wonder if yall still the same or did yall change I though it very"

"I would say I'm finally back at home and I miss it but I'll be lying"

"Todoroki's,Bakugou's,Yagi's I'm finally back I wonder if yall miss me I sure know a few do"

"Let's not forget my aunts and uncles now I sure they miss me since they hardly did fucking see me!"

"Thanks for all that torment and hell yall gave me over the years I learn alot it differently change my point of view and me!"

"I found and built a new family that's better yours Yagis one that help me reach my dream and didn't tell me to FUCK OFF!"

"But I'm not here for revenge no I'll let others do that. What I'm here for is to take back what's mine including what once belongs to you! "

"When I see you I wanna see your despair when I take all your work hard away from all of these long years!"

"By taking your accomplishments/ Dreams!" Everything you work for will all be crush into nothing!"

"If only your egos didn't get into your head you still would have another child in the family"

"But it's too late,my revenge and goal are inevitable to forget so I'm afraid I have to eliminate you"

"Tonight may still be the day you still have your peaceful days but someday will be the day where I'll ruin it and become your biggest menace and make sure you'll never get peace ever again HAHAHAHAHA!" The young man laugh out loud like he's mad behind him is a group of people that stare at him tired of this

"I told you guys he been doing a all nighter again"

"Yeah it's so bad now that not even I can heal him back to normal"

"Why don't I just build machine that can help him pull all nighters without side effects"

"No he needs actual sleep this time"

"Why don't I just knock him out so he'll get a good week worth of sleep"

"Forget that he been doing all nighters since last week he need a coma for him to get back to normal I'll help him with that"

"Shut up,Sir please calm down and let's go back to the base please"

The young man turn to him "I heard you guys and I don't need any sleep!"

"Don't worry I have a plan"

"That's stupid"

"Oh really? We're gonna have a slumber party!"

"To the base we go!"

"Told yall it work"

"But now we need to actually have a slumber party"

"I'm fine with that"

The group got on their vehicles and wait for the young man

"Come on boss let's go already"

"I'm coming"

The young man look back at the city "If only you haven't judge me so quickly I could have give yall the child you wanted,wait for me family I'll give you the best reunion gift especially you father"


The young man starts walking towards them "Ok ok I'm coming I'm coming"

They all left the hill,this night was the beginning of the end of current and certain heroes but it's the night where this man will change everything everyone once knew by him stirring up choas or the heroes causing it themselves but either tonight will be the last normal night

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