Chapter 1

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Today is a beautiful sunny day and what do you do these type of days you train until you drop which is what Class 1a is doing they're heading towards USJ training so they can be tested on different environments for when fighting everyone was having a fun time talking to eachother and getting to know everyone more except for one green hair girl

Her name is Izumi Yagi she was looking at a necklace with a sad expression her mind starts to wonder and brought up a old painful memory

"So since we have these necklaces together nothing will ever keep us apart? Right Izumi?..Izumi..Izumi IZUMI!"

A loud voice brought Izumi out of her memories she look to see it came from Kastumi Bakugou next to her is Shoka Todoroki.

"You're still thinking about him huh Izumi?" Shoka ask

She gently hold Izumi hand and gave her a small smile.

"We all miss him too" Shoka said

Two people scoff at what she said it came from Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki Kastumi, Kastumi got mad at the two attitude

"Why the hell are yall scoffing?!" Kastumi said angrily

Katsuki looks at her "Because I don't miss him you dumb bitch!" Katsuki said

Kastumi got angry and got into his face "Who you calling a "dumb bitch" dumbass?!" Kastumi said

Katsuki got angry "You! The fuck you calling a "dumbass" you bitch?!" Katsuki said angrily

The two began to argue Izumi sigh and looks at Shoto who is avoiding her gaze.

"You don't want to explain your reasoning Sho?" Shoka said alittle annoyed

Shoto didn't say anything he just huff and looks at the window Izumi sigh sadly Shoka holds her hand

"We'll find him don't worry" Shoka said gently

"I hope so" Izumi said alittle hopeful

They arrived at the USJ they got off the bus and went inside yep everything was just a peaceful sunny beautiful day today,let's take a short break and we'll be back after commercial

*****Commercial break brought to you by your inability to come to the reality your 2D men will never be yours as they'll never exsit******************

And we're back from commercial now where was we oh yes the USJ building let's check on them right now.

We cut inside to see the building basically in shambles.Villains were everywhere and they were fighting the students the pro hero 13 is injured on battlefield and Easerhead aka Aizawa is almost only been 3 commercials how did this went so wrong?!

Shigaraki is laughing happily that the plan is succeeding.

"Yes! All Might should be coming now that we almost taken down 2 pro heroes and almost got rid if the brats!" Shigaraki said happily

Aizawa head is being hold by the Nomu "Now let's finally finish this!" Shigaraki said he lend his hand out to Aizawa face the  students are screaming at Shigaraki to stop,he almost touch his face when he felt immense fear suddenly 

"Didn't I tell you that if you cross my way again you'll regret it....You cross it" A threatening cold voice said

Shigaraki stops and retracts his hand he starts looking around sweating "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Shigaraki yelled confuse and scared

Everyone look at Shigaraki wondering why he's acting like that when they heard the nomu squeal they look to see it's arm missing and Aizawa out of its grip and in the arms of a unknown person wearing a mask that look like there age. Aizawa look at him like he met the person before the person smirks.

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