Izuku backstory part 2

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5 years have pass Izuku have grown both physically and mentally,he learn that men aren't created equal and unfortunately he learn that the hard way. His "home" his "parents" the people he thought he could trust and love him forever turn their backs on him,they stop caring him they stop cooking for him,stop buying him clothes anything you can of that a parent should be doing for their kid they ain't doing it.

Izuku had to learn how to cook for himself(if they let him eat) and buy things for himself what they do instead they abuse him whenever they get the chance both physically and verbally,he can't even turn for help or comfort from his aunts and uncles as some would told him telling him they're too busy and some started to treat him different. Even his school life got bad it wasn't as bad as home but it was bad he was bullied by students all day and the teachers does nothing they were either turn a blind eye,gaslight the students to do more or just let them do it and to make it worse they would sabotage his grades because he always get a higher level than the students with quirks and the school doesn't want that.

His life was difficult but not impossible because he have Izumi and his friends to protect him,whenever he was getting bullied they would come and protect him even though they would get in trouble for doing that but since they have powerful quirks they don't get harsh punishment so they would protect him at school and Izumi would protect him at home whenever he getting abused she would come up with excuses but unfortunately that doesn't stop him from getting hurt or wounded whenever he was alone to heal himself Izumi would apologize non-stop until Izuku finds a way to make her stop.

But you should also know Izuku isn't a lil bitch he fights back sure the others are helping him but when they're not around he gotta protect himself he learn how to way back in kindergarten since that's when the bullying started,but unfortunately because of the teachers being assholes that give them a excuse to take the bullies side when Izuku was defending himself and to not stop the bullying plus get Izuku into trouble. But it didn't have all downsides he started to help Izumi and the multi twins fight aswell since they wanna get a head start of protecting him and becoming heroes.

They have a secret spot in the forest so they would go there to train,over time Izuku learn many martial arts and fighting techniques to protect himself he got the time to do so since he "parents" only pay attention to him to beat him so he got time to learn some helpful skills to help him,he also helps his sister and friends get stronger and better he also got the habit of observing heroes or people's quirks which also helps them alot since he can point out the flaws and help them get better with their quirks but Shoto and Shoka almost quit because of their home life(no good Endeavor so they still have a bad childhood) they didn't want to use their fire quirks at all since the incident where Shoto got his scar and Shoka almost got became blind in her right eye

But luckily Izuku convince them to keep training with the whole "It's your quirk not his" speech and to not stay weak so they can finally protect their family Shoto got back with his regular training but Shoka had to train alittle different since her right eye is almost blind,but they still train until they were seven. They almost quit again when Toshinori and Endeavor forced Izuku to be the twins training dummy because Toshinori thought that since Izuku is quirkless (quirkless = useless in his mind) why not finally make him useful and make him a punching bag because that's what quirkless people are for.

Thankfully Izuku could handle it as he's use to fighting them with or without their quirks. So he wasn't get hurt too bad(he just dodges as he didn't want Toshinori and Endeavor to see his fighting skills so he dodge but do accidentally get hurt time to time) This really didn't help the twins mental health as Shoka felt really guilty everytime and doesn't stop apologizing for 30 minutes while Shoto felt horrible and doesn't stop apologizing for a hour, Izuku forgave them and help them get past it or atleast use to it. Yeah Izuku grew and learn alot but what he learn the most is to don't/never trust heroes unless they prove it.

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