Izuku backstory part 1

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It was a special day today in the Yagi house because today is Izuku and Izumi fourth birthday today which means they finally get their quirk.

"Mom! Mom! Come on We're going to be late!" Izumi said excited Izuku nods his head agreeing

Inko giggles seeing the sight of the two she pick up her belongings and her car keys.

"Please calm down you two I know today is every important to you but please don't give too much energy you might pass out before we get there" Inko said

Izuku and Izumi gasp shocked by Inko words

"Noo!" They said together shaking their tiny heads

Inko laughs "You two head to the door okay and tell your father goodbye" Inko said

"Okay!" They said happily they ran towards the door pass Toshinori "Bye Daddy!" They said
Toshinori chuckles "Bye kids" He said Inko walk up to him and kiss him

"Today is the big day I think I'm more excited than the Kids" Inko said giggling "Me too,I hope they get good quirks" Toshinori said Inko nods agreeing Inko walk away from and walk to the door where the hyper toddlers are waiting Toshinori said goodbye to again and they left the house.

Oh before we get to the doctor's office I just wanna point out why Toshinori and Inko are excited for they're kids getting their quirks you see Toshinori and Inko are pro heroes! Not just any pro heroes they're in the top five well Inko is you see Inko is the famous numer 5 pro hero "Tempest Tornado" and Toshinori is the number 1 hero "All Might"! So ofcourse being pro heroes they are super excited for they're kids as when they retire the kids can continue their legacy!

Anyway where was I? Oh right the doctor office...they arrived at the doctor's office and are currently waiting on their turn. Ofcourse Izuku and Izumi are so excited that they can't sit still

"Izuku,Izumi please calm down" Inko said Izuku and Izumi look at their mom

"Sorry mommy but I just can't wait to see what my quirk is!" Izuku said excited Izumi nods
"Me too! I wanna have a quirk just like All Might!" Izumi said
"Yeah me too just like his!" Izuku said

Inko smiles at the two enthusiastic the doctor door open "Yagi?" the nurse said Inko got up "That's us,come on kids" Inko said Izuku and Izumi got up from their chairs and went inside the door office

"Ok I'm just going to do a simple blood test to identify your quirks, who wanna go first?" The doctor ask

Izumi raise her hand "I'll do it!" Izumi said the doctor pull out a needle "Ok,this may sting abit" The doctor said Izumi gulp she turn her head to Izuku

"Can you hold my hand?" Izumi ask Izuku smiles "Ofcourse" Izuku said they hold hands and Izumi got her blood taken "There we go,your next are you ready?" The doctor ask Izuku nods "Yep" without hesitation

The doctor took his blood "Ok I'll put these in the machine and your quirks will be a identity" The doctor said he then left with the blood five minutes later the doctor came back with papers

The Yagis look at him excited "So doctor what are they're quirks?" Inko said the doctor look sad and didn't say anything for a moment he sigh "Ms.Yagi if I may before revealing their quirks can you tell me you and your husband quirk please" Inko was confuse and told the doctor their quirks "I have telekinesis but I can only float or lift small objects and my husband have a minor strength quirk" Inko said the doctor sigh again "I see well I'm sorry,I have good news and bad news which one would you like first?" he said

Inko face change into hesitant "We would like the bad news first" Inko said the doctor sigh
"I'm sorry but I'm afraid Izuku doesn't have a quirk he's quirkless" The doctor said

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