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She gave up trying to spot him from the high ground, heading back down.

Surely he could be in at least one of the 3 buildings scattered around. She ran around, looking to see if she could spot that familiar face in the crowd. She was also extremely alarmed, if Henry happened to be here and if he caught her it would be so over, for both her and Norton.

Weird glances were exchanged here as well. You couldn't blame the miners or the people of Birkham. It was such an odd sight. "Miss?" Your eyes drifted over to a miner. He looked extremely familiar. Chiseled jawline, slicked back dark brown hair, eyes that were low, defined lips and a lean build. "Are you lost? What happened?" She waved her hands, shaking her head. "Oh, No! I'm looking for uh... Norton Campbell?" He lifted an eyebrow. "The new guy? Uh.. he was gettin' a tour last time I saw 'em."

That doesn't really help me much.., you though. "Oh... Well, thank you. Could you keep a lookout for me?" He nodded, his pickaxe was swing over his shoulder, as he leaned against a nearby pole. "Of course." His eyes were low, staring down at you. You looked away, wiping off more dry blood off of your face. "Who are you, though? I've never seen you around here." You turned to him once again. Despite being in a hurry, you still talked to him.

"You probably don't recognize me right now. I'm Y/N! I came here a couple years back." He snapped his finger, point at you with a smile. "Oh yeah! How could I forget!? You were that beautiful woman that was helpin' around." You smiled weakly. A reddish tint creeped up onto your cheeks. "Awe, thank you.. I promise I don't look like this on a regular basis. It's a long story..." He raised an eyebrow, not breaking eye contact for a single second. "You look beat up pretty badly, I believe you."

You tried to quickly get out of the conversation, realizing what you were initially here for. "Yeah.. Listen, I have to go really quick. It was nice seeing you again!" He nodded. "Yeah, I should get back to work, too. I can't get caught slackin' off. I worked too hard for that.." Your gaze hit the ground, locking onto your feet. That single phrase was enough to remind you of Norton. "My name's Claude by the way. I'll keep in touch." Your eyes met his one last time. You waved at him one last time before limping back into the crowd.

The snow falling has gotten slower, it was much less hectic. You were freezing. You reached one of the nearby workshops, peaking your head in. No one. Shrugging your shoulders, it was time to move on to the final two buildings. You moved along to the workshop on the right. Pushing the door open, you walked in. There was just a lantern at the workbench. Nothing else. It was empty as well.

Your last hope was the small building in the far left corner. Speed walking over there caused a cramp to go all throughout your leg. With each step you took, the more it worsened. Yet, you continued. Stepping over the tracks of a nearby cave entrance, you reached the last place where he could be. Your fingers met the doorknob. Unfortunately, it was locked. I don't want to enter the mines.. but surely he isn't working today. It's his first day. A sigh escaped your lips.

 Greed | Norton CampellWhere stories live. Discover now