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This is an authors note btw/rant‼️

Chile I just reread the entire story and I've barely realized everything I put this poor woman through HELP.

Maybe I should've added an extreme angst warning in the intro... Bc I made so much of it that I made y'all hate the character 🥹


I never realized how I made this story build up to be something all cute with fluff in the beginning and then out of nowhere I just said BAM y'all are gonna suffer. The title should've atleast braced y'all a little bit... Hopefully.... 🥹

Don't think this is the end though, I'm just getting started y'all 😹😹😹😹🙏

I'm barely at peak angst all the upcoming stuff is far worse than this.

I'm not joking I take angst seriously I'll explain why in a bit

I don't wanna scare you guys on that though! To me, my stories have a lot of angst so the reader can feel exactly how I write Y/N to perceive and/or feel about certain things, which is why you guys might actually hate him. In this case yes, Y/N genuinely hates him. I want my readers to hate him as much as she does. (If that makes sense)

I feel like it gives off much more tone and when I feel nice enough in the future to make everything less angsty and much more wholesome, like it build up character you know? I just think it gives off a much more realistic setup. Hopefully that makes sense I'm sorry I suck at explaining things.

I really try to portray how he is as a person, trust me I did so much research before actually writing this. I had to piece everything together to make him the way he is in this story. It's the most accurate I'll be able to make it. I've made some things canon, but not all. You'll see what I'm talking about in a few chapters if not the next one. I'm sorry if you guys have a different perception of Norton but honestly this is how I would believe he'd act, lmk if you guys think its accurate though. I like to take feedback every once in a while, so if appreciate it if you guys let me know of your opinions so far.

I genuinely ask this because I hope I haven't disappointed y'all and created something you don't enjoy. Which honestly you probably don't because the angst set in QUICK.

At first I just gave y'all a taste of it, then it escalated, then it got worse from there, then it got so bad to the point where I need JAIL atp.... Idk what's next but trust me this girl is gonna go through it in these next few chapters 🥰🥰

I'm hoping the angst wasn't out of nowhere. Was it? I'm genuinely curious because I felt the build up was there. I'll be so embarrassed it wasn't bc I thought I ate 💀.

This is one of the works I've had the most fun on building just because there's so much I can work with, and hopefully you guys like the way I've led certain events to play out, you guys probably thought alot of things would go differently, alot differently since this story isn't what it Used to be in beginning, now it's just pure suffering 😹

I also make every chapter unique according to the name of it in case you haven't noticed! Each chapter ends with the title of the chapter. I like to make small little details like that to show I actually put in effort, plus it'll be easier for you to know what to expect. Idk if you guys like that touch, but lmk if you do as well!

That's all!

Next chapter will be out in a couple of days <3

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