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You froze for a moment, completely baffled at what he just said. "What do you mean his body isn't there?" He shrugged his shoulders, unsure on what to say. "I-I dunno.. 'only bodies there were the other miners and some-"


"Blonde guy?" He nodded. Claude's tone sounded a little panicked. You crossed your arms, sighing. "That's Henry." His eyebrow raised for a moment. You quickly noticed and elaborated further. "It's a really long story.." You moved a strand of hair out of your face. " Assumin' he's a story for  'nother time?" You rolled your eyes, ignoring his joke. You felt uneasy in this moment. What does he mean his body is gone? I could've sworn it was right there.. After some thinking, you came to the conclusion on what had to be done. As much as you dreaded the idea, there was no other choice. "Wanna go back down there with me?" You looked up at Claude while pointing behind you to the cave. "I thought you said you wouldn't go down there again."

You pondered for a moment. "I know I did. This might not be important for you, but you have to realize that this is something important to me." Claude was quick to read the atmosphere. "L/N...-" He stopped himself. "E'rybody down there is important to me. 'Can't live with the guilt knowing I couldn't do anythin' to save 'em. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel."

A loud sigh escaped your lips. "Alright then. I suggest we start heading down there. Grab that lantern  over there, yeah?"

He nodded grabbing the lantern, following you towards the mine , where tons of bodies in body bags were being escorted out. You held a small lantern and headed down to the elevator all the way over at the watchtower. You breathed in, inhaling before taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. "Don't be nervous, Miss L/N." He stood at your side, pushing the buttons to go down. You glanced up at him. "Please, no need to be formal. Y/N is just fine, but me.. nervous?", you simply brushed it off. "Don't push it. I'm not nervous about this."

His lips tightened to a thin line. "Whatever you say, Y/N." His eyes traced you for a moment. He looked away when you noticed. "I sense you don't believe that. Am I right?" His head hung high, as he cleared his throat. "You're shaking, in case you couldn't tell." His eyes darted straight for your hand that held the lantern. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked over at it. "You don't have to be so observant..." He shook his head, a small laughing leaving his lips.

"It was an obvious detail on your end." The elevator made it down to the 3rd level of the cave. Your hands reaching for the gate, you swallowed hard before stepping out. "Okay. Let's go." You exchanged a glance with Claude before heading down the very narrow long tunnel. It was silent. Your feet shuffled against the rubble every so slightly. Soon enough, you reach the end where there were 3 divided tunnels. You entered the one on the far left. "Where'd you look for his body again, Claude?" Your voice echoed loudly throughout the mine. "That small walkway that leads to a dead end on the far left." So he did look in the right area...

Taking the left once again, you came to a stop where the boulder that crushed Henry laid. Everything was still, everything seemed to be in its place as well. As your eyes began to linger in the environment surrounding you, you looked down at where Norton's body was supposed to be. It was nowhere to be seen. All that was left was a puddle of blood. His body was misplaced somehow. You scoffed and complete disbelief of the site in front of you. How can it be gone just like that? It all seemed to click in your head as you calmed down. "Claude."

You turned around to face him. Claude held the lantern close to his face so that he would be able to see you. He was quick to respond with a "Yeah?" leaving his lips. With the question you were about to ask him, being hesitant and his response worried you. "Do you.... Think maybe there's a chance he's still alive?" A small glimmer of hope had washed across your face.

 Greed | Norton CampellWhere stories live. Discover now