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The soft strains of a piano drifted through the air, casting a spell of nostalgia over the wedding reception. Amidst the gentle hum of chatter and laughter of wedding guests, the man dressed in a black and white tuxedo stood amongst the crowd, his narrow eyes scanning the wedding hall that continued to fill with guests dressed in vibrant colours. Familiar voices and laughter of colleagues that surrounded him filled his ears, and he noticed many familiar and unfamiliar faces in the crowd around him. He twirled the glass of red wine in his hand, the other hand casually in his pocket and he made sure to share a smile with any familiar face that smiled his way.

"Minjun's scored a pretty girl" A voice made Taehyung look at the person who stood across him in the wedding reception.

"Yes the bride is gorgeous" Hoseok said with a grin, agreeing with Seojoon.

"He's always been able to befriend the most gorgeous girls, man" It was Jimin this time. "Remember how he dated Rebecca? I was about to ask her out!"

"Man, are you still salty about that?" Namjoon laughed.

"Of course not. It's all in the past, though I wanted to punch him back then. He knew that I liked her!" Jimin complied. "It's just that he's always had so much luck with the girls"

Taehyung chuckled. "You talk as if you haven't. I lost count of the girls you brought home back in high school"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Beside the point!"

"I heard they met in college," Namjoon said, taking a sip from his champagne. "Most people find their soulmates in college"

"And some people, in high school. Imagine staying together through high school and college! They're fated"

"They're the lucky ones" Taehyung muttered bitterly.

A silence settled on the group of friends. Taehyung sighed. "I'm sorry" He muttered. "Didn't mean to do that"

Hoseok patted him on the back. "Is it what it is"

"I'm single too, still. I haven't found my other half. And I'm into both men and women!" Jimin said.

"You're not bisexual, dude. You're by yourself" Jin said, making the group chuckle.

The conversation started flowing amongst the group once again. There were only five minutes until the bride and groom exchanged vows. The guests were taking seats and the crowd was settling down around them. He saw Minjun standing at the altar, looking the happiest Taehyung had ever seen him. In high school, Minjun had been one of those depressed-looking kids, even though he had a lot of friends. However, he looked nothing like the Minjun Taehyung knew back in high school. Taehyung supposed that he had truly found his better half.

"You have to find the right person" Namjoon was saying. "It has to feel right"

"No one felt right after him" Taehyung whispered under his breath.

Fortunately, no one heard him. He looked around him. The entrance to the reception was empty, and Taehyung assumed that everyone had arrived. He scanned the crowd once again. Maybe he wasn't coming., Taehyung thought. He looked at his glass of wine, almost empty now. He was about to take another sip when a figure entered through the entrance, dressed in a black suit, and white shirt. A shiny gold tie was around his neck.

Something unpleasant rested at the bottom of Taehyung's stomach as he watched the figure, only two inches shorter than him, stand awkwardly on the red carpet that led guests into the hall. He looked around, eyes as big and puppy-like as Taehyung remembered. Beautiful, Taehyung thought. His heart tugged painfully.

"Who are you looking at-" Jimin asked but started following Taehyung's gaze. "-oh Jeongguk"

"Jeongguk? Where? Haven't seen him in ages" A series of questions arose around Taehyung from his friend group.

"He's late" Taehyung muttered with a frown. "Not surprised" He stated in distaste.

Jimin chuckled. "Keep the past in the past, Taehyung. We're in our late twenties now. We are no longer teenagers in high school"

Taehyung took the last sip from his glass. "I know. But he is almost late for his friend's wedding. Maybe he should start acting like an adult too"

"Key word: almost" Jimin grinned" Jeongguk!" He called, grabbing the attention of the man at the entrance.

Jeongguk's head whipped in their direction and his mouth stretched into a grin when he saw Jimin. Taehyung watched as his eyes shifted from Jimin to Namjoon, Hoseok, to Seojoon with a grin, and then lastly to Taehyung. His smile dropped, mouth turning into a thin line. Taehyung saw him roll his eyes before he started making his way towards the group.

Once he arrived, the friends started greeting him. He had been part of the same friend group, after all. They haven't been so close after the group basically broke off after everyone went to college. However, they kept in touch and met with each other from time to time. Not everyone was able to get together every time but at least they all were still friends.

Regardless, if there was any day Taehyung could make it to one of their get-togethers, miraculously, Jeongguk was unable to make it.

"Wooshik and Bogum said they couldn't make it" Jeongguk said.

"You're working with them right?" Hoseok asked with a chuckle. "That's awesome"

"Lucky. You get to meet them every day" Namjoon said.

"True" Jeongguk grinned. He still looked like a bunny when he smiled, Taehyung thought. "Sometimes we have lunch together" Jeongguk said.

"It's crazy how fate works" Seojoon sighed. "We all were friends in high school and now some of us get to work with each other in the real world"

Jimin sighed. "Yeah"

"I know! I wish we could meet each other often too! And like all of us together. I missed you guys" Jeongguk said.

"We definitely should, some time" Hoseok nodded.

"Maybe I shouldn't come so someone else could" Taehyung muttered.

"Dude" Jin sighed. "Can you not start?"

Taehyung sighed.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "Can't even come to a wedding celebration without some fucker ruining the experience"

"Maybe you should've stayed home then" Taehyung shot back.

Jeongguk scoffed. "I wish I did right now. Better than seeing your face after all this time"

"Can you guys please stop?!" Namjoon said in exasperation. "We're here for our friend. Please keep it civil and don't fucking fight"

Taehyung sighed. "I need more alcohol to deal with this" He muttered and turned around to find another glass of wine. He could hear his friends calling behind him and the announcement going off to have all the wedding guests sit down so the wedding could commence.

Regardless, Taehyung kept walking. He would not be able to make it through the day in Jeongguk's presence sober.


I will be updating the next chapter real soon!
Thank you for being here❤️

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