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The buzz of the wedding only increased with time after the couple took their vows. Taehyung was sure he was on his fourth glass of wine of the evening by now, which wasn't surprising to any of his friends because he was sitting across Jeon Jeongguk at the table the friend group occupied. Chatter was lively amongst the friends, regardless. Taehyung hadn't been talking much since Jeongguk's arrival and nor had Jeongguk uttered many words. However, every time he did speak, he sounded cheerful and completely... satisfied with himself, with the state of life he was living. He took over his father's business a few years back, a while after he graduated from University. Taehyung had seen it in the tabloids. Jeongguk treated his friend group to a meal and drinks soon after, to celebrate. Tadehyung didn't show up, though the invitation was for all the people in their group chat.

Taehyung was listening to the conversation that flowed like water amongst his friends when the loud sound of clinking glass silenced the entire wedding hall. Taehyung turned his head towards the source of the sound, only to see the Groom's brother announcing that they would be raising a glass to the newly wedded couple. Everyone obliged and the occasion was followed by different people giving speeches and lastly, the bride.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have to first thank you for coming to our wedding. I started dating Minjun in college but I have known him since he went to high school too. I don't think any of his colleagues know about me from back then, though" Her voice rang across the wedding hall and Taehyung saw Jimin and Seojoon shake their heads, agreeing with the bride.

"Minjun never mentioned her," Jin said.

"We were friends back then and I wanted to go to the same college as him, continue to be friends with him" The bride continued and Taehyung felt his heart clench in his chest. "So I would say, throughout all the years we have been friends and then lovers, I think the biggest problem we have faced was having to part ways when we were selected to two different universities. We were devastated back then, but this worked as a breaking point for Minjun and me because it was through this scenario that we realized our feelings for each other"

Taehyung gulped. He rolled a piece of tissue between two fingers– something he would do when he was nervous. He kept his eyes on the bride who continued her speech and he didn't dare look actress the table, where he could see from the corner of his eyes a figure sat frozen.

"Minjun was the best person I have known in my whole life. I knew that he was the one when he let go of his dream university and decided to go to the same one I got selected for. Because if he went to his first-choice university, we would never have been able to be together. When we would have been living on the opposites of the country"

Taehyung took a shaky breath. He could see Jeongguk's figure move ever so slightly. Taehyung desperately wanted to move his head sideways and take a look at the other man across him. However, he could not. He didn't have the courage to.

"Yeah, I do remember that Minjun changed his university suddenly. He didn't tell us the reason, though" Namjoon said.

"Wow, they were committed to each other. That's true love right there" Jin said with satisfaction. This made Taehyung whip his head towards Jin, who happened to be seated next to Jeongguk.

Just as Taehyung turned to look at the bride again, he was stopped in his tracks by the dark orbs that were staring back at him. When Taehyung's gaze locked against Jeongguk's, he had no willpower to tear himself away. And the bride continued with her speech.

"Love is about making sacrifices," She said. "You know you love someone when you put their needs in front of your own. You don't love someone if you aren't willing to make sacrifices"

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