02 Awareness

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It's been three days since Limar and my impromptu picnic by the pools. We'd eventually finished our chapter (and passed the verbal quiz), though I was still struggling with some of the things he had brought up. There just couldn't be anything serious wrong with our tree - my world. It had always stood, always been so vibrant. My parents met here, bonded here. It's where I'd done all my learning, wandering. If it was falling apart, or being attacked, I think I'd fall apart. My thoughts continued in this depressing circle.


My head snapped to where I'd heard my name from. I blushed as I realized it was Mistress Felenna raising her voice to get my attention. Felenna NEVER raised her voice.

"I'm sorry, Mistress. I was thinking."

"About our topic of study, I hope," she said leadingly.

Seeing a chance for redemption, I nodded. "Of sorts." The last thing I remembered Felenna saying was that the self-made leader of the Highborn elves and the head druid were still arguing over the use of the second Well of Eternity. "Just that messing with powerful magic can sometimes have unintended consequences....?" I ventured.

Mistress Felenna tried to hide a smile. "That's certainly true." The other students gathered in Felenna's small hut rolled their eyes at Merea's daydreaming. "I was saying that best intentioned people make mistakes. Even though Malfurion and his comrades exiled the Highborn, someone still ended up taking vials of the Well's water and used them elsewhere, which has caused Azeroth no end of grief and strife. Although, indirectly, blessings can be derived from grief. This tree, for example," Felenna gestured all around her. "If Illidan had never poured the stolen vials into Hyjal, the Dragons never would have sealed it with the tree Nordrassil, which means our own Fandral Stagehelm would not have been able to take branches from that tree to plant this one. Circles within circles, reasons within reasons," she finished cryptically.

"So...Illidan should have stolen the water...and Fandral should have stolen the branches?" I asked, trying to see her point.

"No," she sighed. "Stealing is wrong, but sometimes there can be positive consequences as well as negative. Please everyone read all of the Exile chapter tonight so you're ready for tomorrows quiz."

Just then, Khardan stuck his head in the hut. "Felenna, Stormgrip wants the students dismissed to home immediately."

She eyed him distastefully, probably not liking the sudden interruption or change of schedule. "Very well," she acquiesced. "Your dismissed for the day - don't forget about that chapter though!"

We were all grateful to get out early. "Do we HAVE to go home?" I asked Khardan before he could leave.

"Yes, home," he confirmed. "Tenaron was very specific."

I raised my eyebrows in response and glanced at Kendra and Limar. Limar shrugged, but Kendra was already wearing a scowl. I gathered my things, then touched her arm in a silent farewell. The bougher I shared with my parents was a ways past the Lodge.

Limar sprinted east towards the cove he shared with his father. I set a quick pace, now curious about the shortened school day. I couldn't remember the last time it had happened. Khardan had never come by the hut before, except that one time the Professor was interviewing him for Professions Day. I'd also never heard him....or anyone really, refer to Master Stormgrip by his first name.

I saw other youngsters jogging or downright sprinting around. What was going on? Night elves never hurried, there was never.....emergencies. I started jogging, almost to the lodge, worrisome thoughts beginning to run through my head. What could cause concern glen-wide?

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