05 Assistance

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News of the purge had spread by the next morning. I had slept in 'till the birds chirped, not wanting to face the day and...existence. But when I heard Limar leave, I knew I needed to as well.

Everyone seemed more solemn, and that was emphasized when I saw Keina in the morning. She intercepted me on the way to the hut and explained: "no normal routine today. Now that we've started, we have to do the rest now, and thoroughly."

Wordlessly, I followed her and realized we were headed back up to the first tier. Like Id promised, I had my knife today, as well as her bow, though this time on my belt where it belonged. With my best breaches, shin-boots, a hard leather trainer, and the quiver, Id prepared for anything today.

Kendra and Limar were waiting for us with the men, and I could see they'd been briefed.
  Limar gazed at me, expressionless, though he was similarly equipped. Kendra gave me a brief side hug when I stepped near her.

  Gil and Khardan were hovering over the table, quietly debating over some details from reports.
  Keina caught up and the men stopped muttering and looked up. "We all now know that animals along the 'well route' are being affected by the taint, and that Merea and I started a controlled purge of the Nightsabers last night." She breathed in lengthily, seeming to need to steel herself. "We were able to find a den, but the problem doesn't end with nightsabers. Yesterday, we found proof of fel taint in our Strigid owls."

She turned to each of us, ensuring we were keeping up with her. "Before we make the irreversible decision to purge then also, I'd like to investigate where we found the tainted eggs. But Sharai and I agreed that the hive he found that was abandoned probably was affected also. Today has two objectives: I'm taking someone to search for that Strigid mother, say...Kendra. And Limar can show Merea where Sharai found the hive."

I spoke up: "mammals I understand, but how are we supposed to purge a hive of insects if they're tainted?"

Keina breathed deeply again. "Excellent question."
There's a substance that was developed long ago, that you can put outside an active hive; the scouts smell it, drones deliver it to the hive, at which point they all die, provided they eat within 72 revolutions," she explained. "Ill get you some packets before you leave."

"If we find some that need purging," I reminded.

  "Yes....yes. I would say only use it if you find signs of fel.  Limar can decide, cause he's seen those hives before."

I thought this was an unfair burden to put on Limar, but as I looked, the duty didn't seem to phase him much. He just bowed his head once in acceptance of the assignment.
  "Ok," responded Keina.

  Gil interjected, "Priestess Dentaria and I are going to the well this morn to pray, and for her to ascertain if there's been any change." His gaze went to Limar and I, who were now standing together, in dismissal.

  I turned and walked out, leaving Limar and Keina to catch up.  The day was going to be beautiful-streaks of sunlight drifted through the canopy. Another great day to kill animals. I shook my head, knowing I was being overdramatic, but it was still hard to swallow.

I paused by the trough, waiting. Limar came down right after, though we had to wait for Keina. We took the time and filled our waterskins from the cistern.

"You gonna be ok?" he asked, not looking up.

"Mhmm," I replied vaguely, knowing that if we got into it, I might end up breaking down again.

Keina returned shortly and wordlessly handed Limar a small package wrapped in leaves, though she did touch my arm before she left us.

I was glad to be assigned with Limar today, though I also wanted to be alone.

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