07 Atmosphere

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I woke up on my mat with the light of predawn sneaking into my room through the veil from the entryway. I was comfortable, with my head on my arm, thinking through my last few memories: talking to Limar and then nodding off. I started, realizing I don't know how I got here. There was a very fuzzy recollection of him asking if I wanted to go to bed and me....humming a response at him, but then nothing. He must've carried me in here. I wonder why that didn't wake me up.

I sat up, tiptoeing on the cool, packed earth of our bougher, and finally spied him, sleeping near the arch. He'd taken my dad's matt and stretched it across the entrance, just like my father. Ilthalaine must not be off duty yet. I smiled at the small favor he did me, glad we could have a nice....platonic evening together.

Curious what this day would bring, I combed out my blue hair (I had one made of bone, unlike Kendra's wooden one) and changed from my abbreviated hometunic to another pair of breeches and a trainer. They were cool, especially in Kalimdor summers, though this one included a high equipment-belt on the bottom. It helped catch sweat, but some Sentinel warriors I'd seen also seemed to prefer belts to chest straps.

I stepped through the veil quietly and was stepping over Limar's body to pick some Peacebloom leaves for breakfast, when I felt a hand on my shin. Though I didn't jump clean out of my skin, I did manage to yell, trip on Limar, and land right on him. Trying to rub the pain out of my knee where I fell on my dad's mat, I noticed Limar eyes were very alert, though his face was still slack.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to let you know I was awake, and ask where you were going so early," he apologized sleepily.

"It's fine," I accepted. "I was just going out for some repast. Is your leg ok?"

He touched where most of my weight had smacked his hip. "I'll be fine. I've had heavier things fall on me than elf girls."

Not knowing whether to take this as an insult, I decided it was probably time to stop straddling him. I stood from kneeling and moved outside, still rubbing my knee, and soon found enough leaves to make two (I had to split it now) small salads, or leafrolls.

He'd cleaned up and washed up by the time I'd returned and he offered to roll our blooms so we could just leave and eat on the way. I accepted 'cause I was already dressed and didn't want to hang around anymore.

As we snacked, we sipped some water (we'd filled up our skins from the boughers lower cistern) and chatted. He thought we would help Keina more, though I was more pessimistic. I know I was gonna get trough duty again.

As we neared the lodge, we saw a few elves around, slowly starting their work days. Khardan nodded before disappearing into the cellar. We were going to follow him for some more food when we saw Gil walking towards the causeway.

Not wanting to shout this early, we followed him, and only caught up when he'd come even with Dentaria, who was just coming out of one of the pools.

Her underclothes dripped dry as she greeted us. I picked up her sarong from the ground and held it away from the puddles until she was ready for it. Her near-bleached hair hung down her shoulders and ran water over her white cami as she focused on Gil. "Hello again, Armorer."

"Good morn, mistress. I came," he glanced at me to make it clear he didn't know why we were there, "to see if you had been able to ascertain what was wrong with our wells water."

She walked over to the birdbath by the dock and returned holding the phial we'd given her. "I meditated upon it for some time, asking Elune for illumination; even showed it to some other members; but it's taint eludes us. More experienced eyes are needed for this problem."

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