We are There for you Kid

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     I was 7 years old when my dad became seriously ill and ended up the hospital. My mom had died when I was born, my older brother Jay was in the military, and my oldest brother Will lived in New York as a surgeon, until recently he got a job here in Chicago as a doctor in the ED. So basically all my life it has just been me and my dad, Pat Halstead.

     I was sitting in the hospital break room, when my brother Will came in and sat on the chairs beside me. Since he has been working here now since last month, he was the one who brought me in. My dad was in a hospital bed lying hopelessly, with tubes and wires connected everywhere's. Then came my other brother Jay. He had just gotten back from deployment, and he got himself honorably discharged since he needed to be here for dad.

     Jay came over with a frown and sat on the other side of me. Just then a doctor, who I just found out was Dr. Rhodes, came into the break room and told us some very displeasing news. My dad had died from a heart attack. My heart broke into a million pieces. Sure I was seven years old, but I could still understand what was going to happen. DCFS was going to take me, and I would never see my family again. Dr. Rhodes left and I burst into tears. Will came over to me and rubbed his hands on my back in circular motions trying to calm me down.

     Jay was on the verge of tears, but ever since he was little he hasn't liked to cry or give certain emotion in front of anyone. Even if it was his family. As we were in the break room and Will sat beside me as I leaned on him, as we were now on the comfortable couch. The lady with a clip board in her hands came in and cleared her throat.

     "Doctor and Detective Halstead. Since your father is gone, this young lady is going to need a place to stay. So either you could hand her over to us, or at least one of you could take custody of her." The lady said to me.

     As soon as she finished talking, I looked at my brothers who had sad smiles on their faces. I looked at them with my tear stained face and still watery eyes.

     "We both will." Will said as he smiled at all of us in the room. My mouth went a gap and I now had a surprised look on my face.

     "Great!" I'll just have each of you read all this and sign here...here...and, here." The lady told my brothers pointing where to sign as she handed the paperwork to them.

     The lady retrieved the paperwork and looked it all over. She then thanked my brothers and said her goodbyes shaking hands, even mine. I smiled looking at my brothers in disbelief. They had just agreed to raise me for the rest of my childhood. I couldn't believe it. I ran over to them, and gave them a great big group hug. My head was buried in between them.

     "Thankyou." I mumbled in their shirts.

     "Of course! You are our sister, and no way we aren't ever going to not see you again." Will said. I now had happy tears.

     "We are there for you kid." Jay said kneeling down to my height wiping off the tears on my cheeks with his thumbs.

     "We love you Audrey. And we wont let anything happen to you." Will told me, with Jay nodding in agreement.

     "I love you guys too!" I said wrapping my arms around Jays neck as he picked me up and carried me out of the hospital to the car. It was a little car ride when we arrived at an apartment room. I'm guessing, my new home.

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