Meeting Them (CPD)

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(7 years old)

I woke up to Jay taking the blankets off of me. I have only been with my brothers for a week, and I already feel like I have been raised by them my whole life. And today was the day I was finally gonna meet his Intelligence team.

"Get up let's go." Jay said as he exited my room to go make breakfast.

I groaned and got up out of my bed going through my closet trying to find something to wear. I picked out a white top with a pink tie dye skirt. I put my earrings in and slipped my ring onto my finger.

After I ran out into the kitchen and sat eating my breakfast at the dinner table. Jay grabbed the hair brush, and started to do my hair. Him and Will are hopeless when it comes to doing a girls hair, but all they do know how to do is a pony tail. They can't even do stupid pig tails.

I was all ready so I got my coat on and headed to the truck with Jay. He picked me up and placed me in my car seat and I buckled myself, as Jay jumped into the drivers seat.

"Ready to meet the team?" Jay asked me. I unconvincingly nodded my head and we drove off to the district.

It only took us a few minutes before we arrived. Jay got out then unbuckled me and picked me up taking me out of the truck. We walked up the stairs and into the district where I met the first person of the district. I looked on her front desk that had a nametag of Trudy Platt.

"Well isn't it Detective Chuckles. And who do we have here?" She asked me.

"Go on Bri." Jay quietly said to me.

"I'm Audrey Lynn Halstead." I paused. "But you can call me Bri." I said holding out a hand up and in front of the high front desk.

"Well, it is very nice to meet you." Trudy said taking my hand and shaking it.

Jay smiled and we said goodbye as Jay buzzed us up this sort of cage thingy. We made our way up as I heard some people talking. It went silence as we met the crowd of detectives around the room and the top of the stair case.

Jay cleared his throat. "Everyone, this is my sister."

"Hi. I'm Audrey, but you guys can call me Bri." I said nervously as all the people smiled around me.

"Bri this is Adam Ruzek, Kevin Atwater, Antonio Dawson, Erin Lindsay, Kim Burgess, and Alvin Olinski." Jay introduced everyone.

"Finally, actual girls I can talk to now." I said as I walked over to Erin and Kim. With that the whole intelligence team laughed.

Erin and Kim came over to me as I walked over to them and they gave me hugs.

"It's very nice to meet you Bri." Kim said.

"We are very happy to talk to you about anything. Hair, makeup, boys." Erin whispered the last word. I giggled at her actions.

"Thanks." I told them.

"Alright everyone, eyes and ears up, we have a case. We got a sixteen year old girl came in as a D.O.A victim." A strange man with a raspy voice said. That was Jays signal to send me into the break room.

"Ok, Bri you come in here please." Jay said usuring me into a room.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on, who is this?" The strange man said with a frown on his forehead.

"Sarge this is my baby sister. Audrey, this is Sergeant Hank Voight. My boss." Jay informed me and the man that I now knew named Hank.

"Ok, carry on Halstead." Voight said. Jay nodded and led me into the break room.

"Now stay in here, people will casually come check on you throughout the day." Jay instructed then left as I nodded.

*3 Hours Later*

Its officially been too long and I am bored straight out of my mind. No one has come to check on my in about forty five minutes, so I have no clue what to do. I then noticed there was no one here, so I went out to sit on Jays desk. I looked on it and found a picture of him, Will, and I.

I found a ball on Jays desk, so I started to play with it on his chair. I accidentally dropped it and it rolled into a room. And that room was Sergeant Hank Voight's office. I slowly crept over to his office and slowly went in.

I crawled on my hands and knees, trying not to let Hank notice me from his spot in the chair. I crawled to where I thought the ball roll. But instead I knocked into Hanks desk causing a thud. I got up from my hands and sat on my knees rubbing the spot on my head I bumped.

Hank cleared his throat. "And what do we have here?" He said picking up my ball and walking around looking at me.

"Ummm. I'm sorry. My ball rolled in here. And I didn't want to disturb you sir." I said nervously with wide eyes.

"It's ok!" He smiled. I was taken back by how he was towards me. He gave me the impression he was a scary person. "So, you're Halstead's baby sister aren't you?"

"I ain't no baby." I said standing up and crossing my arms, giving my older brothers boss a scowl.

Voight laughed at me and kept the smile. "Well, I am sorry I have offended you. Audrey right?"

"You can call me Bri." I told him nodding.

"Well then Bri, here is your ball back. And you better go back to break room before Jay gets back and notices you're not in there." He told me as he handed me my ball.

"Thanks Hank!" I exclaimed and ran out of his office and back to the break room to play again. Ever since then, Hank Voight has always had a soft spot for me.

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