Missing Part One

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(17 years old)

I've never really considered being a police officer before. I've always ever wanted to be a fire fighter, and more importantly at fire house fifty one. I mean, one of my brothers already is an officer, and the other one is a doctor. So, I might as well work for the CFD, the other form of first responders, right? That was until I had to change my soon to be career for one day, from studying to be a firefighter and paramedic, to being a detective.

I was in the middle of my science class and writing notes when all of a sudden my phone went off, and someone was calling me. I thought I turned off my phone, but then remembered I don't have my brothers or Hank silenced in case of emergency. I quickly checked my phone and saw Hank was calling me.

"Can I take this? It's an emergency." I asked my teacher.

"Yes, just try to be quick please?" Mrs. Melvin told me. I nodded and went out of the classroom into the hallway and answered the phone.

Hank The Tank: "Hey kid, we need you down at the station ASAP."

     Me: "What's going on?"

Hank The Tank: "It's easier to explain it all to you in person."

Me: "Could you at least tell me what this is all about?"

Hank The Tank: "It's about your brothers."

Me: "Ok I'll be right there."

At that I hung up the phone. What could be so important that I had to leave school for and go down to the station? And why would it have anything to do with my brothers? Was I in trouble? Were they? Ugh so many questions, I just need to get to the station and get them all answered. I was getting more worried by the second, so I quickly went inside the classroom and packed up all of my stuff.

     "I'm really sorry, but apparently there is a family emergency, and I have to make my way down to district twenty one. I most likely won't be back for the rest of the day, sorry." I told my teacher.

     "Ya, well, you're missing all the important parts of the lesson, I hope you don't fail this semester." My teacher raised irritatedly.

     "If you would so kindly email or let the rest of my teachers know I have gone home from family reasons so they don't mark me as an unexplained absence, I would gratefully appreciate that." I said in a sarcastic tone. Mrs. Melvin rolled her eyes and turned back to the board. I went to leave but said something before I left. "Oh, and Mrs. Melvin, as much as you try and make me. I NEVER fail." I said with a serious face. I saw most of my friends smirking, my teacher had a disgusted look, and I left the school.

     I jumped in my car and started the engine. I slowly backed out of the school parking lot, and left in a rush. I drove to the district but was at a four way road and it was my turn to go so I started moving. But as I was moving, someone who was speeding cut in front of me and almost crashed.

     "Son of a BITCH." I yelled frustrated and held my hand on the steering wheel honking the horn.

     I sighed and kept along. I thankfully got to the district safe enough. I was still really mad though and went straight up to Trudy, with an almost scowl still on my face from earlier. She let me up and I stomped up the stairs a little.

     "Ok what's going on? I'm already pissed off enough, so don't make me loose my shit." I said to all of the detectives. I looked around, but never spotted my brother, not even my red headed brother. My face softened and became concerned instead of upset. "No, but seriously, what's going on? Hank said something happened with my brothers. Where are they? I don't see Jay or Will anywheres."

     "Why don't you come in here for a minute." Antonio said to me, and lead me into the break room with Hank, Alvin, and himself.

    "Sit." My brother's boss instructed. I did so and sat on the chair across from where Toni was sitting. Alvin and Hank both stood on each side of Toni across from me as well.

"What's going on?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Your brothers are missing. They've been taken, and we don't know where. Yet." Toni informed me.

All of a sudden my heart started pounding. I felt like I was being closed into a small box, and couldn't breathe. A few tears rolled down my cheeks and my breathing hitched. What if my brothers are dead? What is happening to them right now? What if I never see them ever again?

"So...what's gonna happen now?" I asked in a slight whisper.

"We are going to take care of you. And find your brothers. You will stay with Kim while we are searching." Alvin told me. I looked up at him.

     "I want to help." I said determined.

     "You know we aren't legally allowed to do that." Alvin responded

     "The hell with legal or illegal. These are my brothers, and either I help find them, or I'll do it myself." I raised my voice.

     "Fine. But when we say it's too much, you stay out of it." Hank instructed me. I nodded and we headed out to the bullpen.

      "Let's go pack up some stuff at home." Kim told me.

     "Ok." I said.

     I followed Kim down the stairs and out of the district. We got in her car and drove to the apartment. I went in and grabbed a whole bunch of clothes and just stuffed them into my big suitcase. Not even caring what I picked out randomly, I packed my toiletries and zipped my suitcase up. I went out to the living room and Kim and I went back to the car. We loaded the case in the back and went to the district and I got my car. After, I followed Kim back to her apartment where her and Adam were still living together.

     Once we got there Kim led me up to my room and she made me some supper. After she informed me that she had to go back to the investigation. She left me home alone and I locked the door. I went and watched some TV, but I couldn't keep focused on it. I needed to find my brothers, and there is no time to waist. I immediately grabbed my keys and got in my car. I'm coming Will and Jay, I'm gonna bring you guys home.

A/N: I know it isn't that long, but I'm officially on March break. That means I'm not busy and I'll write a lot this week and distribute the chapters once a week or so.

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