Jays sick

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(13 years old)

     I woke up to a kiss on the cheek. I felt the little stubble on my cheek causing it to itch, so I scratched my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw my red headed brother beside me.

     "I'm going to work love you Bri." Will whispered to me.

     "I love you too. Also, you need to shave." I said smirking and sitting up.

     "Ok, have a good sleep bye." He told me leaving my room.

     "Bye." I said then looked at my clock. It was ten at night. Will's on a twenty four hour shift, so he won't be home til 10 o'clock again tomorrow night. I had my phone beside me on the bed so I got up and plugged it in. I must've fallen asleep watching Tik Tok. I then put on some roots jogging pants and a graphic tee. I got into bed and lied my head on my pillow. In seconds I was back asleep.

(2:43 am)

     I heard a slam of the bathroom door and I shot up. 'What's going on, is Jay ok?' I thought to myself. I got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom door. I heard someone groan so I knocked on the door.

"Jay you in there? You ok?" I asked concerned for my older brother.

"Ya, just go back to bed." He assured.

"Are you sure? Do you need anything?" I asked again.

"I guess I could take some water." He said to me.

"Sure." I told him and rushed into the kitchen.

I got to the cupboards and opened the one full of glasses. I grabbed a small glass and went to the sink to fill it up. I put cold water in it, but no ice. I rushed back to the bathroom and knocked on the door once again.

"Can you open the door pls?" I asked him. "I have your glass of water."

"No, I don't want you seeing me like this." He pushed me away.

"Jay, bro, I'm your sister. Do you think I want you to see me like this all the time?" I asked him, trying to get him to let me in.

"Fine." He said and unlocked the door.

I opened the door and went inside. I saw Jay sitting on the floor against the wall across from the toilet. I walked over to him and gave him his water. He was in his boxers and a tank top.

"Are you done?" I asked referring to him throwing up.

"Yes." He said weakly.

"Ok let's get you back in bed." I insisted.

"No, take me to the couch please." He fought.

"Fine." I said and helped him get up.

I supported my brother all the way out to the kitchen and living area. I made him get supported on the night stand as I pulled out the couch into a bed. I let him lay down, and I rushed to his room and my room to get our pillows and blankets. I looked at Jay as I covered him up. He looked extremely pale, and was shivering. I went and grabbed a bucket in case he had to be sick again, and I got him some more water.

"What are you doing?" Jay asked me as he saw me place my pillow on the other side of the pulled out couch.

"I'm going to lay here with you to make sure you're ok." I stated.

"No, no, no, go get in your own bed, I don't want you getting sick because of me." He argued.

"I don't care. Plus I'm awake now, I don't think I'll fall back to sleep anytime soon." I told him as I lied down and covered myself up.

"Is it too late to ask for some meds?" He asked me with a frown.

"No, of course not!" I smiled and got up again.

I walked into Will's room and found the meds. I got Jay some Advil and Tylenol from the bottles and headed back out to the living room. I gave him the pills and he took them with small sips from his water. He thanked me and we lied down on the couch. Jay turned on the TV and began watching the Bulls game. I personally really enjoy basketball, and I play on the senior girls team for my school, so some could say I'm pretty good at it too.

Within an hour I looked over beside me. Jay was fast asleep on the couch and the TV was still on. I turned off the TV and lied down with my head on the pillow. I pulled out my phone and put my AirPods in my ears. I put the song 'Counting Stars' on by One Republic, and on repeat. I turned off my phone and placed it on the coffee table beside me. Slowly I drifted off to sleep again, still listening to music.

(7:30 am)

The next time I woke up was to my alarm telling me to get ready for school. I turned off my alarm and looked beside me, Jay wasn't there. I uncovered myself and got off the pulled out couch. I went to the kitchen portion of the living space, and got myself out a glass of water. Drinking my water, I saw an even paler Jayden Halstead walk to the couch and lay down.

     I went over to him and put my hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever. He had is eyes closed and I could tell he was cold and shivering again, so I got my blanket and lied it on him as well as his own.

     "Go get ready for school." He told me weakly.

     "No, I need to stay home and take care of you." I insisted.

     "I am an adult, you're a teenager, I can take care of myself." He argued.

     "You can barely talk, you look like shit, and can barely walk, I'm just gonna stay home." I stated.

     "No." He said.

    "Want me to call Will, and you can go to the hospital?" I asked him.

     "No." He sighed.

     "Exactly. Now I'm going to call my school and give you the phone. You are going to say I'm not coming today because I'm sick." I said grabbing my phone from the side coffee table.

     "But you're not sick." He said stating the obvious.

     "Well no shit Sherlock, but you are, and you need help." I said sarcastically.

     Jay sighed and I called my school. He took my phone and started to talk to my principal as I went and got him some more meds. I went back and gave him his pills and he took them. After, I texted Will and let him know Jay was really sick and I was staying home to take care of him. Will insisted I ago to school and he come home for a little bit, but I said he needed to stay at work, so he agreed to let me stay home.

Jay and I watched a movie for a little bit as I was on my laptop sitting on the pulled out couch as he was laying down. Within two hours Jay was knocked out again and fast asleep. I watched my brother for a minute as he lay there, peacefully. I felt bad that he was sick, I have never seen him this sick before. I watched as he lay still, and only his chest move up and down. I will always take care of my brothers, whether they want me to or not. Because I love them, and I don't want anything to ever happen to them. I can't loose them, not like I did mom and dad.

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