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(15 years old)

     I was sat with Will on the couch at nine pm. Jay was at work and I had school tomorrow, plus it is the week before my exams, so my anxiety is up the roof, and my ADHD only helps me study for so long. Will helped me have a brain break and calm my nerves by lying down on the couch with me and watching a movie.

     We were half way through the movie when I started to get a headache and a tickle in my throat causing me to cough randomly. The movie was almost done when my eyes became droopy and sleep eventually overcame me.

(3:32 am)

I woke up in my bed in a pool of sweat, and an extremely achy body. I contemplated on yelling for Will or Jay, because I truly can't move right now. But instead I am so tired, sleep overcame me again.

(5:47 am)

My head was pounding and I had an urge to throw up, but I still couldn't get up. I felt that if I get up I'll loose balance and I would fall over. I called Wills name once, but no answer. I don't think I was yelling loud enough, because I called his name again a few times, and his room is only two doors down the hall from me.

I tried calling his name another couple times until I felt really sleepy again. I really wanted Will to come in. I don't feel good, I can't move a single inch, I'm drenched in sweat, and I feel like I am going to throw up. I tried to fight the urge to fall back asleep, but I failed.

(7:11 am)

I turned my head to look at my clock. 7:11 am Will should be up by now to get ready for work. He'll be coming in my room soon to get me up for school. Now I have a migraine, still laying in a pool of sweat, feeling achy and can't move, I have an urge to throw up, and now I have a sore throat.

I lied in bed for another ten minutes for Will to come in my room, when I decided I had to actually throw up. So I got up and ran to the bathroom. I emptied my stomach in the toilet, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Bri are you ok in there?" I heard my red headed brother call from the other side of the bathroom door.

"No." I said crying.

"Are you decent?" Will asked me before coming in.

"Ya." I told him as he opened the door and came in. That's when I felt like throwing up again, so I put my head at the toilet bowl. As I threw up again Will held my hair back and was rubbing my back soothingly.

"Awe sweetheart." Will said as I finished once again. "Here." He gave me a wet face cloth to wipe off my mouth.

"Thank you." I said taking the cloth and wiping my mouth, and backing up to rest against the wall across from the toilet.

Let's get you back in bed ok?" He asked as I nodded.

He helped me up and supported me as we walked back to my room. I lied down on my bed and curled up in such a fetal position. I felt so cold and I was shivering, although I was still sweating. Will went out of my room to get me some pills, some water, and a puke bucket. He came back in about ten minutes later with everything and gave me two Advil cold n sinus, and a Tylenol arthritis.

"Here take this, it'll make you feel better." He told me as he handed me the pills and a little cup of water.

"Thank you." I said as I put the pills in my mouth and took a little sip of water, swallowing the pills with it. Will placed the bucket on my night stand for me beside my face cloth. "Where's Jay?" I asked him.

"He's still at work, he's undercover, so he won't be able to answer us." My eldest brother answered me as he sat beside me on the other side of my bed. "I'm gonna stay home from work today."

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