Missing Part Two

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(17 years old)

I was driving and looking around Chicago at five pm at night. I was out looking for any signs of my brothers. Whatever that was supposed to be, I don't know. As I was driving around I got a call from an anonymous caller. My phone buzzed on the seat next to me flashing No Caller ID. I immediately picked up my phone and answered, hoping it would be Jay or Will.

Me: "Hello, who's this?"

No Caller ID: "haha just like the brunette."

My heart skipped a beat and my breathing hitched. I quickly pulled over to the curb and turned around speeding towards the district. I had to get there so they could track the caller.

Me: "What do you want from me?"

No Caller ID: "Nothing, I just wanted you to know..."

Me: "What? That you have my brothers."

I ran into the district as I was saying brothers and Trudy took that as a sign and buzzed me up. I ran up the stairs quickly. And put my phone on speaker phone, drawing the attention of multiple detectives in the room. I placed my phone on Jays desk leaning on it with my hands.

No Caller ID: "Clever girl."

Silently, Voight instructed Adam to track the caller. Antonio had his notepad out and ready to take notes. Meanwhile, Alvin was signalling me to continue and keep him talking. So I did, trying to buy Adam some time.

Me: "Tales may tell."

No Caller ID: "I like you."

Me: "What's to say I would like you. Because so far, I think that's impossible."

No Caller ID: "You don't have to like me."

Me: "get to the point."

No Caller ID: "Hahaha you see, you'll never find your brothers. As much as you try, they're gone."

Me: "How do I get them back? What do you want me to do... how much?"

No Caller ID: "Come to the docks at seven pm sharp. It might be your only chance. And come alone."

Me: "I want signs they're alive first. Or no deal."

No Caller ID: "Fine. Here. Speak. *"Audrey?"*

Me: "Jay?"

My heart broke. Jay sounded hurt and weak. The rest of the unit were listening closely. I started to tear up and I grabbed my phone and held it to my chest looking up to the ceiling. I put my phone back on the desk.

No Caller ID: "Listen Audrey I'm ok."

Me: "What about Will is he ok?"

No Caller ID: "He's- *I'm ok Bri*"

Me: "Oh thank God!"

No Caller ID: "Listen Audrey, tell Ha-. *Ok that's enough from you.*

"No! Jay, JAY? DAMNIT!" I yelled and slammed my hand on Jays desk. I got a chance to talk to my brothers for maybe a minute. And they were ok. For now. I have to meetup with him at seven. I need my brothers back.

"Ruzek, did you get a location?" Voight asks him.

"I got a ping, but when he hung up I somehow lost it." Adam said disappointed.

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