𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 - 𝘈 𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘒𝘪𝘯

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The early evening breeze was an enjoyable feeling on Lucella's flushed face as she sat by an open window in her chambers. Her handmaiden was fussing over her hair, tying it into an intricate Targaryen braid, despite Lucella's opposition to this idea. As well as this, she had been dressed in a Hightower green gown which cut off at her shoulders and was adorned with gold chains on her waist. Lucella felt as though she was being used as an accessory to impress the King and Queen, although she could only theorise as to why. House Polaris was not in need of any favours from the crown, as far as Lucella knew.

 House Polaris was not in need of any favours from the crown, as far as Lucella knew

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"Are you ready, Lucy?" She heard her mother ask from outside her door.

The girl sighed and stood up, walking over to the door and opening it. Her mother beamed at the sight of her.

"You are perfect, my love. Come, your father is waiting for us."

As they arrived outside the King's dining room, Lucella felt sick at the thought of seeing Aemond again. His words from their first encounter had been replaying in her head for the entirety of the day, and she did not want to be in his company again so soon. The doors opened for the Polaris family and members of the King's Guard welcomed them inside. At a long table across the room, multiple heads turned as the guests entered.

"Ah, cousin!" Princess Saerella smiled as she hurried over to King Viserys and embraced him.

The King reciprocated the hug with a gentle laugh. He looked rather pale and his hair was thinning, Lucella noted.

"So good to finally see you again, Princess. It has been far too long." The King said, pulling back and inviting Lucy's mother to sit next to
him. "Lord Tamworth, be welcome. And Lady Lucella, my, how you have grown. I trust your journey was easy?"

"The seas were kind, Your Grace. Thank you for your warm welcome."

Lord Tamworth approached the table, and Lucella followed his lead. She curtseyed to the King and Queen before looking upon the table. An older boy of at least twenty was sat next to a pretty girl with delicate features and a kind expression on her face. A younger boy, mayhaps ten and five, sat next to them, and a chair was pulled for Lucella to sit next to him.

"These are your cousins, Lady Lucella. This is Prince Aegon, Princess Helaena and Prince Daeron." Queen Alicent told the girl, gesturing to each of her children. "We are missing Prince Aemond, but I am sure he will be along shortly."

Lucella gave a small smile as she acknowledged her cousins with a nod. The two boys looked at her boredly, but Helaena peered forward past her brother to grin at the girl.

"It is such a pleasure to meet you, cousin. I hope we will become fast friends."

Lucella smiled and felt a little more relaxed at Helaena's warmth.

"I am sure we will, Princess. Thank you for your kindness."

The doors behind the table opened with a loud crack and the table fell silent. The sound of boots against stone filled the room, and Lucella immediately knew who they belonged to. Aemond rounded the table and took his seat next to his mother, directly across from Lucella. She locked eyes with him for a moment too long, and noticed his lips curling into a familiar smirk.

"How nice of you to finally join us, Aemond." said The King, frustration laced in his tone. "Now, let us enjoy this fine meal."

Aemond did not react to his father. Instead, he continued to taunt Lucella, his one eye boring into both of hers. Lucella tried her best to ignore him, picking at the food in her plate but only eating a few mouthfuls. Her parents were engrossed in conversation with the King and Queen, and the girl hoped she would not have to endure this for much longer.

"I saw your dragon fly into the city. He is larger than my own dragon, Tessarion. You must be proud to be the only dragon rider in your family, other than your mother." said Daeron Targaryen as he ate large mouthfuls of food.

"She does not ride the beast." Aemond corrected before Lucella had a chance to reply. "Such a pity to not take advantage of power that is right in front of you."

Lucella pursed her lips. She was not normally quick to anger, but Aemond stirred something within her that she had not experienced before.

"I'm afraid we have varying opinions on the matter, cousin. I could surely ride Astarax if I so wished, however my priorities lie elsewhere."

Daeron shifted his gaze between the two for a moment before shrugging and continuing to eat his food. Lucella looked at Aemond with daggers for eyes, expecting him to retaliate with another impertinent comment. Instead, she was left surprised when he said nothing. Her gaze dropped once more and she picked up her glass, sipping the sweet wine from it. Before she could swallow the mouthful, Lucella stiffened and had to force herself not to spit the wine out as she felt cold leather touch her ankle. Aemond was watching her carefully, and it didn't take Lucella long to realise that it was his boot touching her. She swallowed hard. Her eyes flickered up to meet his, her cheeks swelling with blood as she watched the smirk on his lips grow. She quickly jerked her leg away, tucking her feet under the chair as far as possible.

After that, the meal felt even longer, and Lucella felt relief like she never had before when the King finally stood up and thanked everyone for coming. She returned to her chambers as quickly as her feet could carry her, desperate to forget Aemond's existence entirely. He was affecting her in a way that was entirely unfamiliar, and Lucella had a strange feeling that this was only the beginning.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘗𝘢𝘤𝘵 - 𝘈𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘦𝘯Where stories live. Discover now