What's this man saying?

271 18 7

Chapter notes:
Let's just say that, the scene where Lan WangJi met Wei WuXian and Wen Yuan had already happened, for plot sake. + Wen yuan will be referred to by Lan Yuan because XiChen said so👀

Nie Mingjue stared at Wei WuXian, his tone carrying a mix of disbelief and sternness, "Wei Wuxian, when did you and Lan Wangji get married?"

Wei WuXian blinked, confusion etched on his face, "Married? Lan Zhan and I?" He shook his head, denying any knowledge of such an event, "No, we didn't get married. What are you talking about?"

Nie Mingjue's expression hardened, suspecting Wei WuXian's attempt to conceal the truth. "We all know about your marriage, Wei Wuxian. There's no need to hide it. It's clear you're helping the Wen because Lan Wangji is your husband, and that's reason enough for your anger."

Wei WuXian's brows furrowed deeper, realization slowly dawning on him. "Lan Zhan, just what did you say?" he mumbled, his mind struggling to grasp the situation. Before he could fully comprehend, the world around him blurred, and he began to sway.

Nie Mingjue swiftly moved to support him, a hint of surprise on his face. "Hold on, Wei Wuxian. What's going on?"

Wei WuXian, still grappling with the revelation, managed to mutter weakly, "I don't know what you're talking about. Lan Zhan and I didn't get married. I don't remember any of this."

Nie Mingjue sighed, realizing that Wei WuXian might not be feigning ignorance. "You're in no condition to discuss this now. Let's focus on your child and the situation at hand. We can sort out the details later."

'Maybe they were still courting at the time when they produced a child, and with the war breaking out and all, there was no wedding, no marriage' , Nie Zongzhu thought

As Wei WuXian teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, Nie Mingjue gently inquired, "Are you planning to live in Cloud Recesses now? Will there be a formal wedding between Gusu Lan and Yunmeng Jiang?"

After all, Lan WangJi is XiChen's brother, which makes him like another younger brother to him, which in turn, makes Wei WuXian his brother in law, and Lan Yuan, his nephew..

And Nie Mingjue cannot accept the shame of not gifting the couple the respectable gifts, especially not gifting his nephew the beautiful presents

Wei WuXian struggled to keep his eyes open, the confusion in his gaze giving way to a mix of emotions. "I... I don't know. Lan Zhan and I need to talk. A wedding? I haven't even processed all of this yet."

Nie Mingjue nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "Rest for now, Wei Wuxian. We'll discuss the details when you're ready." He carefully cradled Wei WuXian and the sleeping child in his arms, contemplating the unexpected turns their gathering had taken.


After the other sect leaders left, and Wei WuXian was moved to Wen Qing's tent to rest (Wen Qing was of course nervous and scared at the sight of Nie Mingjue carrying both Wei Ying and A-Yuan in his arms),

Jiang Cheng stormed into the tent where Wei WuXian was resting, eyes ablaze with a mixture of anger and concern. "Wei Wuxian, what in the hell is going on? Why didn't you tell me about all of this?" he demanded, gesturing wildly at Wei WuXian and the child.

Wei WuXian winced at the intensity of his brother's entrance but tried to compose himself. "Jiang Cheng, it's a long story. I didn't have a chance to tell you everything."

"A long story? You got married, you had a child, and you had a miscarriage! Why wasn't I informed about any of this? I'm your brother, for the sake of the heavens!" Jiang Cheng's voice rose, echoing his frustration.

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