Chapter 23

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I Miss You | Kyungsoo's POV
After I said what I wanted to say that day, I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I missed her so much, it was starting to take a toll on me. The boys were starting to notice. "Woah, Kyungsoo, gwenchana?" Kris asked me. "I'm fine, don't worry," I replied. Honestly, I've been feeling nauseous these days..I don't know why. The boys and I were getting ready to go to a VIP party and I was looking forward to it, but now, I don't even know. The boys seemed worried. I told them I would stay behind for a while and catch up with them later. "Are you sure?" Suho asked. "Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry about me, I'll be there right after you guys!" I said, trying my hardest not to look as sick as I actually felt. "Araso you stubborn D.O," Lay said. "We'll be there waiting for you! Idong haja!" Suho said, leading the boys towards the exit of our house.
I decided to have a little snack to try to feel better. I had a granola bar. I have to stay healthy, especially now since I'm in EXO. I still felt sick afterwards, but I'm a man of my word. I got dressed and got into my car to get to the VIP party. All of a sudden, I started to feel very dizzy. It all went black.

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