Chapter 3.

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Dixie woke up early, all her stuff was already packed and ready to go for the next day, she put all of her stuff in her Saturn just so she doesn't have to pack it all in the morning, so then she had all day to do whatever she feels like.

Late afternoon came, and her father came home early, and he had a permanent grin ever since he walked into the garage to see his daughter fixing a 1967' Chevy Impala.  Brian walked over to Dixie and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek "What was that for?" She asked her father.

"No reason, I'm just excited for you too get to see your uncle for the first time." He told a white lie, he was extremely excited for his daughter to meet her uncle but he was even more excited for her present that was waiting for her at her uncle's

"So what are you working on now?" Brian asked.

"Some guys named Ian car," Brian's eyes widened in shock of hearing that name

"Did you get his last name at all?"

"Um, I believe it started with an S" Brian tensed up
"Like Sean, or Smith." Brian sighed in relief, he had been stressed since the last meet up him and his family had had with a highly trained british assassin named Ian Shaw, that had blown up their previous home. 

A couple hours later Brian went out to the garage to see how Dixie was doing on the car.                            

"Hey grease monkey, how's it coming along?" Brian asked his daughter. Dixie covered in grease and she popped her head out from underneath the hood "Its going good, I'm almost finished," She said.

"What do you have left?" Brian asked.

"Just got to detail the car,"

"Really? You normally never do that."

"True but the guy did pay me extra to make it 'look pretty', his exact words." Dixie said. Brian nodded in agreement, because he understands the guys problems, you gotta make it look pretty or there is no purpose of even having the car.

A couple hours have passed and the family had just sat down for a meal then someone knocked on the door, Dixie jumped up and ran to the door. She answered the door and to a sweet surprise it was the FedEx man.

"I have a package for Dixie O'Conner." The man said. Dixie's smile grew across her face, it looked like she was going to split her face in half from smiling so much.

"That's me!" She said proudly. The man gave her the package and walked off, Dixie shut the door and examined the tiny box. She had so many possibilities running through her head, like how it could be a spark plug or even something from a friend because they know she's leaving, she walked back to the dining room and placed the package on the table. Brian cleared his throat and looked at his wife then his daughter.

"You aren't allowed to open that package till tomorrow after you get off the train or if anything bad happens you may, but in case there is an emergency of any sort, at any time!" Brian said while freaking out in his own mind.

Twenty minutes have passed and they heard another knocking on the door, Instead of Dixie answering the door, Brian stood up and slowly walked to the door confused, extremely confused.

"We didn't invite anybody over, did we?" Brian asked his wife is a shaky toned voice.

"No, but that man hasn't been back to get his car yet, so maybe that's him." She replied.  Brian barely put his hand on the door handle and I was thrown open.

"Oh I am here to get my car, and the sweet sweet taste of revenge." A deep british said as Brian climbed from behind the door, He slammed the door shut and said

"How about a nice family meeting, huh?"

"If you touch my family, I swear to god I will kill you!"

"We both know you wouldn't even try." Brian ran at him and attempted to put him in a choke hold, but it didn't work as planned for Brian,  Ian flipped him over his shoulder straight onto the wooden floor Mia threw her chair out from under her and ran towards Ian, but before she could even reach him some lady came flying down the staircase and jumped on Mia.

There wasn't even enough time to even see this lady close enough, a huge fight broke out, Brian stared at his daughter as Ian stood him up and lipped the words "Run" Dixie stood up faster than she should've, she hit he knee on the table and it flew just about two feet in the air, in the rush she was all she grabbed was her purse and the box that sat on the table, and headed out the backdoor while she shoved the tiny box in her bag. After she opened the door she was attacked by some young guy , that looked like a daydream, but fought like a nightmare. He was tall, and was around Dixie's and very muscular, his stern green eyes went with his spiked up hair, the hair gel made his light brown hair look a shade darker than it really was. The man used one arm and wrapped his muscular arms around her tiny but curvy waist and picked her up and headed towards a Jeep Wrangler. Dixie kept screaming to the point he covered her mouth with his hand, she bit his hand and kicked him right in the balls, and as he dropped her and fell to the ground Dixie ran towards their Jeep and slashed their tires with some odd shaped metal sheet she found by her garage than ran straight for her Saturn.

As she climbed into her cramped car she threw her purse in the chair next to her and searched for her car keys.

"Shit!" She yelled as she threw her hands on the steering wheel, for a split second she thought all of her hopes were gone and that that cute guy that tried to put her in the Jeep, but then hope hit her like a peterbilt semi, she scrunched down and threw off the plastic covering under the steering wheel and began to cut open the wires under the steering wheel and got her car started, after that she shifted into reverse down the driveway straight into the road, once she got down by the curb the boy started running towards her car, she shifted into first gear and gave it some gas, then second gear and some gas, then to third and was out of sight in at least two minutes.

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