Chapter 5.

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Dixie stopped at a gas station that was at least an twenty minutes to a half and hour away all depending on traffic. She opened the door of the car, and dramatically walked out all sassy like in the movies, she strutted over to the gas pump and opened the gas cap as started to fill up her beautiful Dodge.

There was an older man in his late thirties that was at the pump directly on the other side of the pump that Dixie had been using, he stared in awe then asked "Is that yours?" Dixie nodded with pride and flashed him a cheesy smile "Wow, well with a car like that you might as well race that!" He said while staring at it still, Dixie took the pump out of her car and placed it back in its resting spot "That's what I'm planning on doing." She said as she walked towards the gas stations store to pay for the gas she had gotten, she grabbed a few snacks and a drink for the short journey she had set ahead of her.

There was barely any traffic on her way to her Uncle's, so she had made it there in at least under twenty-five minutes. When she approached the house she notice all the cars that were going all the way down the street and some were sitting in front of the small house that needed little repair, Dixie parked all the way down the street, she grabbed her bag and  walked down the street and up the driveway and turned to the porch approaching the door slowly, Dixie didn't even get the chance to knock before someone swung the door open and greeted her with a hug. The lady who hugged her was the same height as Dixie but was smaller muscle wise, she had very dark brown hair and a stern face that made it seem as if she didn't want her there, but the hug made it seem as if she did. Her brown eyes looked at her up and down and saw how beaten she looked.

"Long night, huh?" She asked.

"Yeah," Dixie said quietly, she shuffled around then stood up straight "If you don't mind me asking, um.... Who are you?" Dixie asked quietly.

"Oh! I forget you never meet your uncle and I, I am Lottie Toretto, your uncle's wife." Lottie said. Dixie's eyes widened as she understood what she was saying. Lottie observed Dixie and noticed her dirty hand and tried eyes "Common' in, its time for supper. Now you'll get to meet all the family!" Lottie said with the biggest smile as if she was bringing her own child to meet her family. Dixie walked into the house with precaution as if Ian Shaw was going to be waiting for her in the house, she followed Lottie through the house to a door that lead  into the back yard.  As she shut the door behind her there was loud talking that  Lottie yelled "Dixie is here!" to everyone in the back yard to hear, a silence was lingering as  if everyone in that backyard was at her funeral.  Lottie grabbed Dixie's wrist and dragged her around the backyard introducing her to everyone, once they got around about four tables she brought her to a table with a bald muscular man that stared at her as if she was garbage on a street.

"Dixie Rose O'Conner, It's good to finally meet my only niece!"  The buff man said with a deep voice that sent shiver down her spine as he approached her to hug her, he squeezed her as if he thought she was dead, He let her out of his big arms. 

"You must be my Uncle Dominic?" Dixie asked cautiously.

"Yes I am!" Dominic smiled proudly, he than offered for her to sit down with them at their table. Talk of cars and previous races were being passed around the table as if they were campfire stories. 

Hours had passed and people started to leave and everything started to die down, but there was still very few left. 

"How's your parents? I haven't seen them since you were born." A tall dark man asked. Dixie stared at her purse then at her feet, she kept silent for less than a minute.

"I-I don't know..." Dixie stuttered with the look of death upon her face. Dominic studied her face as Dixie stared at the ground.

"What happened?" He uncle asked sternly.

"There was a guy who broke into the house and started talking nonsense about revenge.... Ugh! I can't remember his name...." She went silent for a minute than her eyes lit up as she remembered the man's name "Ian Shaw!" Dixie shouted then went silent. Dominic, Lottie and the remaining people at the house stared at her in shock. Whisper was passed around the table.

"How did he get out?" Some people murmured.

"I thought he was a goner." Others whispered. Dominic stared at his niece, then slowly stood up.

"Okay guys time to go home, get some sleep before tomorrow's race." Lottie said as she started walking people out. Dominic sat there examining my face for a minute.

"Are Brian and Mia okay?" He asked sternly.

"I-i don't know, dad told me to run... So I did." Dixie mumbled nearly in tears. Lottie managed to make her way back to us after five minutes of goodbyes.

"They'll be okay, trust me. If anyone could get away from Ian it's your dad." Dominic tried to reassure Dixie, even though you knew he feared the future.  

Dixie gave her a uncle a small nod then began to yawn.

"Its getting late, and you've had a long day, how about I show you to your room and you get some rest?" Lottie said.

Lottie brought me back into the house and we walked up the narrow stairs into a tiny hall way with four doors, she pointed to one door telling dixie that that was the bathroom, then she opened a door revealing a plain white room with family photos posted all over the walls. Dixie then thanked Lottie and fell right on the bed than passed out.


Sorry ya'll I haven't updated in what seems like a decade! But homework needs to get done, and so does chores and work, I'll try to keep updating! It's hard keeping up, but what did you think of the chapter? Not enough, well it is 12a.m. so I am just a tad bit out of it, but anyways thank you for the read little racers.

                                                                                          -The Author  

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