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Brackley, England,
December 2021


Have you ever wondered what people were looking at when they weren't looking at you? Why did they decide to be enchanted by looking at anything but you?

I had always felt left in the blurred part of the image, the one that you obviously saw, but it wasn't the center of attention, because anyone or everything made more than it. Everything, it yielded more than me.

By now I could have called myself a woman, who had been lucky enough to work, immediately after graduating, for the Haas F1 Team.
What could be better, to always be in the dark corner of the photo? 

I had been employed by the team for a year and despite this, I had the impression that my assignments were almost superficial, despite the fact that I could do much more. 
Staying in the world of Motorsport, however, was enough, it made at least half of the dreams I had come true.

The sound of the PC brought me back to reality. It was the notification of the arrival of an email. Who sent it in the early afternoon? 

I approached undecided, moving the black wooden chair to make room for myself and then sitting down. I lifted the computer screen ajar, which revealed my open mailbox. With the right click, I went to click on the main entry, and a series of unread emails appeared.

Changing phone contracts, insurance advice, Ferrari, new requests on Instagram, adopt a lion...

I froze for a second before closing the page with the x at the top of the corner. Ferrari, it said Ferrari.

I tried to reset expectations; I had at least a hundred season tickets that concerned the team, but taking a sigh, I opened them.

Subject: Promotion.

Abigail Mathews,
We are pleased to inform you of our decision to promote you at Scuderia Ferrari. In relation to the quality of your work, we have defined and stipulated for you an initial contract of one year for Scuderia Ferrari.
The contract will start on 10/01/2022, and this will include a transfer around Maranello and a transfer for each event or need, all of which will be covered by the agency. We invite you to give an answer in the next two weeks.
Maranello, Italy, 10/12/2021

Employer's signature
Scuderia Ferrari & Haas F1 Team

I sighed in astonishment. I really couldn't have expected this.
Likewise, I should have called my stepfather first, and that would have upset him too.

I sat down for a few seconds on the sofa set up near the table. I would have had to move to Italy. Was I ready for this? 

I had always been described as a person who brooded too much and thought constantly, a million times, before coming to a conclusion about a certain action.
Would I have done it again this time? Reliving the same scenario in my mind, so much so that I changed my mind? My best friend Kyla would answer “probably yes,” and I couldn't deny the obvious.

Il Predestinato | Charles Leclerc | Vol. 1 (🇬🇧)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora