Thanks & Vol. 2

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After months and months, I finally managed to finish the English translation of Il Predestinato!

It took a while, a lot of attention, but as I told you at the beginning it is not my mother language and I apologize for any mistake found within the story.

The High Speed Series does not end here, in Italian there are a total of five volumes and if there are some people interested, I will probably translate them.

As seen through the last chapters, the next protagonists of the story are Kyla and Max, but the story of Charles, Abigail and Carlos does not end there, it will continue in the third volume.

This is the list:

-Il Predestinato | Charles Leclerc|Vol. 1

-Super Max | Max Verstappen |Vol. 2

-Smooth Operator | Carlos Sainz Jr | Vol. 3

-The Honey Badger | Daniel Ricciardo | Vol. 4

-Mad Max| Max Verstappen | Vol. 5

To you who have come this far, I present the cover of the second volume❤️

To you who have come this far, I present the cover of the second volume❤️

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After the publication of Kyla Knight's article on Max Verstappen, journalist and best friend of Abigail Mathews, her moment of glory will come.
When someone is raised accustomed to winning, what can stop them from doing it again?
Some would say that the answer is:
Max Verstappen

All the love,


Il Predestinato | Charles Leclerc | Vol. 1 (🇬🇧)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora