18. Drawing

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In 1965, the Beatles found themselves cooped up in a hotel room with some free time on their hands. They decided to indulge in a little creative outlet by sketching. John Lennon, always one for humor, grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing. "I'm gonna draw me Aunt Mimi, she's a hoot," he said, his pencil moving across the page.

John's drawing of Aunt Mimi turned out to be quite a caricature, exaggerating her stern features and adding comically oversized glasses. The lads burst into laughter as John proudly displayed his humorous rendition of his formidable aunt.

Ringo Starr, with a mischievous glint in his eye, chose to draw an octopus. He filled the page with wavy tentacles and big googly eyes. "Look at me octopus, it's got more arms than I have sticks!" Ringo quipped.

Paul McCartney, ever the musician, decided to sketch a car. As he drew, he couldn't help but sing, "The machine of a dream, such a clean machine," much to John's amusement. His car was sleek and shiny, capturing the essence of his chosen subject perfectly.

George Harrison, the quiet one, chose a cat as his subject. His drawing portrayed a feline with intricate details, capturing the grace and mystery of the animal. It was a testament to George's artistic talent.

Later on, the lads decided to turn their attention to drawing each other. George began sketching Paul, focusing on his beautiful doe-like eyes and his charming smile. He managed to capture Paul's charm on paper, making his friend laugh with delight.

Ringo and John decided to go the comedic route. John drew Ringo with an outrageously large, bulbous nose, while Ringo retaliated by giving John a ridiculous set of buck teeth and a nose that seemed to rival his own. They were doubled over in laughter at their playful caricatures of each other.

Paul, for his part, tackled George's striking features. He accentuated George's eyebrows, making them look even more prominent and added sharp, vampiric teeth, resulting in a drawing that had them all in stitches.

As the room filled with laughter and the sketches piled up.

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