30. Locked in a shopping mall

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The Beatles found themselves in the middle of an unforgettable adventure when they accidentally got locked inside a shopping mall overnight. What was supposed to be a routine shopping trip turned into an all-night escapade.

At first, they made their way through the mall, exploring various stores and causing mischief wherever they went. They rearranged mannequins in a fashion store and left trail of chaos behind them.

Their antics continued as they arrived at a clothing store. Paul found an outrageous neon green suit, Ringo sported a polka-dotted hat, and John paraded around in an oversized Hawaiian shirt.

"I think this one suits you, George!" John quipped, holding up a neon pink suit.

George, always up for a laugh, accepted the fashion dare and donned the ridiculous pink suit, wearing it with pride as they ventured deeper into the mall.

As they explored the mall further, they discovered the intercom system. Without hesitation, they decided to have some fun.

"Attention shoppers, this is John Lennon," John announced over the intercom, trying to stifle a laugh. "We have an emergency in the toy store aisle, aisle 3. A rogue teddy bear has staged a coup. Repeat, a coup by a teddy bear!"

The Beatles couldn't contain their laughter, but they weren't done yet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is George Harrison," George chimed in. "If anyone finds a pair of misplaced keys, please return them to the lost and found. They belong to our manager, who's stuck outside!"

Ringo, joining the prank, added, "This is Ringo Starr. If you're looking for the exit, it's through the wardrobe department, where you can find your way to Mordor."

Paul, always the cheeky one, had the last word over the intercom. "Attention, dear shoppers. This is Paul McCartney. We regret to inform you that the mall is now haunted by a ghostly quartet of musicians. Enjoy your midnight shopping!"

Their laughter echoed through the empty mall as they continued their antics, oblivious to the approaching morning. When the mall staff arrived to open up the next day, they found the Beatles, tired but still in high spirits.

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